Milk & Mocha

Farid Zainal
3 min readNov 13, 2022


Image created by Farid Zainal Via CANVA

Mocha, he can no longer be your Milk
A cup so sweet, but bitter aftertaste
Ev’ry sip so smooth, forbidden like silk
A cup unfinished, the two spilled and waste

What was built, only Milk can remember
True love, acceptance, their body submits
There’s more, demolished, rubbles on fire
Triangulate religion, Mocha didst

Rotten Milk, back in poison paradise
Hypocrite Mocha, searchin’ another;
Perhaps another, promises and lies
Like this poem, an end without closure

⇛ ⇛ FIN ⇚ ⇚
© 2022

Milk & Mocha are two bear characters popular on many forms of social media. The brand was created by Melani Sie in 2016, an Indonesian artist. The characters started as stickers on the LINE messaging app and have since expanded to many platforms and are popular in many countries.

So back when I was in a romantic relationship with a Malay guy, we used to send each other Whatsapp or telegram stickers of Mocha and Milk. Since he is brown-skinned, I’d play around and call him Mocha. He will then call me Milk.

Well, everything was perfect. I thought he was the guy for me. We had been together for more than 2 years. The ideal partner, or so I thought. Things didn't go as planned and he finally broke up with me. See the thing is, I don't mind at all about the breakup. Yes, I do love him very much, but if separation is what he wanted, I will grant it.

One thing I couldn't accept was, he used religion as an excuse to escape this relationship. I am never aggressive toward him. I accepted him and love his imperfections. But he said, because of religion, he claims that having a gay relationship is wrong and for the sake of God, he wants to quit this lifestyle. It sounds stupid if you ask me because we are who we are no matter how much we try to change. There is nowhere in the holy context, stating that having a relationship with the same gender is wrong. What's considered wrong is ADULTERY. Even if you're straight, having sex with the opposite gender before marriage is considered adultery.

Nevertheless, I did respect his decision to go separate ways. and not long after, he is back in the Grindr app hunting for sexual partners. you have no idea how much it hurts. My close friend went to meet him to actually find out the actual reason he wanted the breakup. He then confessed that he couldn't handle my anxiety.

I can't believe, a man who I trust so much, who I love so much, who I think I can have a future with, abandons me and left me at my most vulnerable moment. His promises are all lies. How can I ever trust someone or be in a relationship again. and this happened during the pandemic, among other things. Other traumas. To me, our relationship ends without proper closure. The whole reason for my depression. The whole reason I got back to doing drugs and hurting myself. May God have mercy on my soul.

I need to accept that this version of Milk and Mocha shall now cease to exist. But I still love Milk and Mocha and I follow them on Instagram. You should too! They are super cute! Enjoy my poem and thank you for reading.



Farid Zainal

A Paramedic who have a passion for writing and poetry. My dream is to publish a book of my own. Have a go, read some of my poems and interpret it. Thank you!