Will there be any reason to avoid the project — Yes, 5 Situations

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3 min readJul 19, 2017


This is all about business. We are always after clients. We need more business. We need cash flow. We need revenue. We need Growth. so we need projects to execute. But will there be any reason to avoid the projects?

Sometimes “Yes”. why not.

I always talk about adding value to clients and their projects. I used to talk about this to my associates and business partners. The success of an idea depends on the value addition added by the stake holders. But you have to be very careful that how the value addition is happening.

I have been dealing with projects/products and clients for last 8 years. To adhere to the topic of the blog I do say “Yes”. “Yes” for avoiding some of the projects. There may be so many reasons to it. They are logical most of the times. Sometimes the decision is based on the emotional intuition.

One of the new entrepreneurs was talking about this to me over the weekend. He is very worried to say “No” to the projects or “Clients”. Am listening to him till he voices out all his mental model. Once it is over, I had started my point of view. I never tried to substantiate my views. From my previous experience, I gave 5 situations/questions on when to take a stand.

1) When prospect never understands what a “Value Proposition” is

2) When prospect only talks about “Discounts”

3) When prospect mentioning about your employees “Salary” in discussions

4) When prospect talks about “Cheap” living style of nationalities

5) When prospect gives mirage promise on “Long Term” contracts. [always has a 1-month notice clause :)]

I could see when a prospect revolved around 3 or more of the above 5 points, I will be more cautious. The situation is tough to access. It is not about saying “Yes”, but a great dilemma on how to say “No”. I could remember around 5 situations on top of my head where I had a similar experience. It was a tough call for saying “No” to a new project. But I did. My judgment was right on 4 situations.

Will write more on how I handled the prospect or if I had doubts how I ensure to understand things right in future blogs. Please share your views on this topic in comments.

Would love to hear your comments and experience on this topic…

Contact Me: Are you or your company looking for a talented, innovative & hand-on expert development/design team who is good in communication & conceptualisation to help build + scale your web & mobile app? Email me personally (and directly) at ganapathi@agiratech.com for a free consultation!

I’d love to help you.

About Author: The author is Ganapathi M, CEO, Agira Technologies (#agiratech). With a track record of around 14 years in the arena of technology, Gana has an astounding passion for technology and is an enthusiastic entrepreneur. Being a people’s person and a natural leader, he has built a strong and dedicated team of technology experts at Agira (#agiratech).

About Company: Agira (#agiratech) is into software solutions that address the needs of the changing industry. With Agira’s expertise and customer oriented services in areas such as Web, Mobile, Cloud, Open Source Frameworks, Consulting and Future Technologies, Agira help the clients to make their vision/dream come to true existence. www.agiratech.com will throw more light on its services and credentials. #agiratech




CEO @AgiraTech - Blogger - Speaker - Idea Evangelist - Help StartUps & SMEs - Man on A Mission - Rotarian - Thinker & Executor; Always Deliver with Quality