Final Fantasy XV Scenario Ultimania Translation Project — Mythos

9 min readJan 6, 2017

This is just a fun little project I’ve been working on in my spare time since the release of Final Fantasy XV and the official Ultimania Guides.

Much of what follows is just supplemental lore for the game but there is huge potential for spoilers within the content. Read at your own risk.

While an interest of mine during college, Japanese is not my native language. I love taking any opportunity to practice and expand my skills. Feel free to expand on the translation.

六神 — いにしえの時代から世界を見守りし存在
イオスを総べていたと神話で語られる、六柱の神々。王や神凪に力を与えた存在であり、六神が作った光耀の指輪が王の証として代々継承されているなど、ルシス王家とは縁が深い。常人には理解できない言語をあやつり、直接の対話ができるのは、 神の使いゃ神凪のような一部の者のみ。テルパの爪跡に関する伝承など に残る神々の戦い「魔大戦」は、炎神イフリートの裏切りが発端で勃発したと言われるが、くわしい事情はわかっていない。

Six Gods — Watching The World Since Ancient Times
The six supreme gods of Eos legend. Creators of the legendary ring of light, provided as the mark of the king, to Lucis royalty. They speak a language that can only be understood by those touched by the Gods. Taelpar Crag was created as a result of the War of the Gods, which started with Ifrit’s betrayal of the Gods but little additional information is actually known.

六神の忠実な使い 「二十四側」
六神は神凪を通じて人間と意思疎通を図っていたが、神々が直接姿を現すことはめったにない。神々は、「 二十四使 」と呼ばれる使いの者に自分たちの意志を伝え、二十四使が橋渡し役となって神の意志を神凪に知らせていた。
SN: 二十四使のひとりとしてフルーレ家に滞在したゲンティアナは、ルナフレーナとも関わりが深い。

Followers of the Gods “The Twenty Four Angels”
(Personal Note — In US/NA, the game calls them Messengers)
The gods communicate with man through the Oracle but rarely appear directly. The Gods convey their will to mankind using 24 angels.
SN: Gentiana who lives with the Nox Flueret family is one of the 24 and deeply connected to Luna.


Trial of the Gods “The Revelation”
A trial imposed by a God before granting their power to a human, referenced in books for at least the past 2000 years. Depending on the god, the act of their trial may result in significant damage to surrounding cities.

創星記 — イオスの成り立ちにまつわる伝承
六神や神凪についての言い伝えを書き記した書物 。原本にあたるもの以外に、章 ごとにわかりやすくまとめた解説書や、子ども向けの絵本など、さまざまな形体で出版されており、イオスで暮らす多くの人々にとってなじみのある書物となっている。

邪悪なるもの 瘴気を招き 空を淀ませ 大地を蝕む
勇敢なる王と騎士 剣を携え 神と共に戦い 闇を振り払う
久年の平和を祈り 神は人の王に光耀を授ける
魂を継ぎ 聖石を譲り いずれ来る災厄に備えよと
(創星記原本 十五章序の二より抜粋)

意訳: かつて人と神が共闘して排除した邪悪なるものは、いずれふたたび世界に災厄をもたらす。神々は人の王に光耀の指輪を授け、そして命じた。聖石(クリスタル)が、災厄から世界を救う王を選ぶその日まで、指輪に魂を継ぎ、聖石を守りつづけることを。

Origin of the Stars — Legend of Eos Origin
(Personal Note — In US/NA, the game calls this Cosmogony)

The book containing the legend of the Oracle and the Gods. Published in a number of different forms, the book and its story is well known to the people of Eos.

Origin of the Stars Legend
O’er rotted Soil, under blighted Sky, A dread Plague the Wicked has wrought.
In the Light of the Gods, Sword-Sworn at his Side, ‘Gainst the Dark the King’s Battle is fought.
From the Heavens high, to the Blessed below, Shines the Beam of a Peace long besought.
Long live thy Line and these Stones divine, For the Night When All comes to Naught.
(Origin of the Stars: Excerpt from Chapter 15:2)

Meaning: The evil that Gods and men have struggled to eliminate, will once again threaten the world. The gods left the Ring of Light to the King of Men with an order. Defend the ring and the crystal until the crystal chooses a King to save the world from the coming disaster.

おもに日の当たらない洞窟などに生息する、凶暴なモンスター。夜になると野外にも姿を 見せるようになり、突然現れては人々に襲いかかる強い光を避ける習性を持ち、明るい都市部に入ってくることはない。ここ数年のツガイの増加と夜の長さが延びていることには 関連があると考える学者もいる。

Deamons — Demons of the Dark
Dangerous monsters that inhabit areas where the sun does not reach. During the evening, appear out in the open but tend to avoid bright urban areas. Many scientists believe the increase in deamons and longer nights in recent years are related.

メテオ — 神話時代に降ってきた隕石



Meteor — The Meteorite that fell during Ancient Times
A huge meteor that fell during ancient times. Though thousands of years have passed, it still radiates tremendous heat. It is said the meteor broke into pieces when it was caught by a god. Exernis power plant in Lestallum converts heat from the meteor fragments into electricity. For this reason, many have a favorable view of the meteor.

The meteor is visible as giant spires in Cauthess. At night, the glow of the burning meteor can be seen.

The craters in the Duscae region are believed to have been made when the meteor fell as well as many of the areas where water turned into ponds.

