Final Fantasy XV Scenario Ultimania Translation Project — Territory of Tenebrae

2 min readJan 6, 2017


This is just a fun little project I’ve been working on in my spare time since the release of Final Fantasy XV and the official Ultimania Guides.

Much of what follows is just supplemental lore for the game but there is huge potential for spoilers within the content. Read at your own risk.

While an interest of mine during college, Japanese is not my native language. I love taking any opportunity to practice and expand my skills. Feel free to expand on the translation.

In Final Fantasy XV, the Territory of Tenebrae is home to the Oracle and her family. You briefly visit Tenebrae later in the story and very little is shared about the area in the main story.

テネブラエは、「神凪」と呼ばれる一族であるフルーレ家が代々治めていた国で、ルシス王国とは長年にわたり友好的な関係を維持していた。12年前、グラウカ将軍率いるニフルハイム軍の襲撃を受けたときに、元首シルヴァ (ルナフレーナの母) が死亡し、以降は帝国の管理下に置かれてしまう。この事件ののち、シルヴァの長子レイヴスはニフルハイム軍に所属することに。一方、ルナフレーナ は8年前に神凪の職に就くまでの4年間、フェネスタラ宮殿で幽閉生活を送って いた。

A Formerly Small Country Now Ruled By The Empire
Tenebrae, home of the Oracle where the Nox Flueret family reigns, whom have a good relationship with the Kingdom of Lucis. Twelve years ago, after an attack from Niflheim led by General Glauca, Silva (Luna’s mother) died and the palace fell under control of the empire.

神の言葉を人々に伝える役目をになう巫女のような存在。神話の時代に剣神から星のカと逆鉾を与えられた女性が、神凪の祖とされている。苦しむ人たちのために各地で祈りを捧げたり、標が野獣やシガイに襲われないように術を施したりと、世界中の人に対して献身的に力を尽くす。 また 、 六神 を 眠り から 呼び覚ます 「 誓約 ( うけい ) 」 と 呼ば れる 儀式 を 行なう の も 、 神凪 が 持つ使命 。

Oracle — Holy Woman Connecting God and Men
Holy woman responsible for telling people the will of the gods. According to legend, the first oracle received her power from the Gods. Devoted to serving the people, the Oracle prays for those suffering, healing their sickness to keep them safe from beasts and daemons.

旧テネブラエ領 ロケーションガイド
神凪を務めるフルーレ家が暮らす宮殿。幼少期に瀕死の重傷を負ったノクティス が、療養のために滞在した場所でもある険しい山岳地帯に複数の建造物が作られており、離れた足場同士は、いくつもの橋が結ぶ。

Former Territory of Tenebrae Location Guide
Funestala Palace
Home of the Nox Flueret family where the Oracle lives. Located high in the mountains, serves as a bridge connecting several areas, Noctis stayed here in his youth to receive medical treatment while suffering a serious injury.

