Typography In Logo Design

Mackenzie Gaugler
2 min readSep 20, 2019


Image Source: https://fabrikbrands.com/font-psychology-and-typography-inspiration-in-logo-design/

There is a psychology behind the way text is written. Different feelings and associations are linked with each font.

These feelings and associations are important to understand when it comes to branding and marketing. Being able to connect these consumer responses to typography is one way in which to better help market a product or company.

Each font communicates different things. Designers and marketers use different types of fonts to help represent the message they are trying to get across, especially in logo design.

For example, “serif fonts promote feelings of class and heritage, making them ideal when you want to create a company that feels established.” Serif fonts are said to be formal, traditional, and timeless. Serif fonts are good for brand identities that are supposed to represent authority, trust, and respectability.

On the other hand, sans serif fonts are clean, modern, and engaging. These fonts are simple, sensible, easy to read, and often neutral.

In logo design, sans serif type indicate honesty and sensibility to consumers. The lack of decorative elements allow for easier reading as they are less distracting and will not cloud the overarching message.

Image Source: https://digitalsynopsis.com/design/font-psychology-emotions/

Typography is especially important in logo design because it is usually the first insight a consumer gets into a company. Logo designs therefore need to both be able to capture people’s attention, as well as act as a visual representation of the business.

Although a single typographic font may seem minor, the choice can have a major impact.

Check out this video for more on font psychology:

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