4 Things You Need to Know about Programmatic Buying in 2015

Marcelo Garcia Cisneros
3 min readMar 5, 2015

Programmatic provides highly targeted ads without the labor-intensive tasks in order for brands to have seamless, effective, and efficient ads. In the 2015 Super Bowl, we saw this trend gain much media attention as programmatic hit television in the US’s most watched television event, and speculation of the future of programmatic was discussed:

Imagine a game-changing event happens during the Super Bowl and you have the perfect brand or creative to leverage the opportunity. A star player suffers a game-ending injury and you have your insurance ad ready to roll. — VentureBeat

And now that we’re certain programmatic ad buying will be a big trend in 2015, here is what you need to know.

1. Brands will have more control

Some big brands don’t want to do their own ad buying, but with programmatic buying, these brands will be given more control. Brands like P&G are giving their own employees the programmatic tools and full control to ad buying. We’re going to see more brands have a say in who controls their programmatic ads and what is said about the company. In turn, we’ll see companies who want to work with these brands tighten security and control measures to be up to the task of taking on high profile accounts.

2. Measurement, ROI will be stronger

As the programmatic ad buying trend grows, the technology will improve tenfold. Both online and offline measurement will improve and these two will come together to give companies a better sense of overall ROI on their ads. Programmatic ad companies that can perform this sort of online and offline measurement will be weeded out as the demand for this technology grows.

3. MCNs need a programmatic solution

One problem that needs solving this year is what will happen to MCNs — or multichannel networks (one of the biggest groups here being YouTube stars), who rely on branded content deals for income. The programmatic world makes their ad deals more drawn-out and unnecessary than before, which means these MCNs will need to find a programmatic solution to not be left behind.

4. Programmatic TV will grow slowly

While this is a big trend, and caught a lot of attention at the super bowl, programmatic television ads are costlier and therefore the trend will take its time. Producing a highly targeted ad (that may or may not have the opportunity to air) is very expensive for brands, so they will most likely take their time to go all in to programmatic. As we see changes in this industry however, this growth rate will quicken.

Programmatic is going to be a key word in 2015. The technology is growing quickly and brands are adapting at the same fast rate. We’re sure to see interesting uses of programmatic as this year progresses.

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Marcelo Garcia Cisneros is the CEO of Rekket Digital Hub and Owner of MGC Consulting.



Marcelo Garcia Cisneros

Argentinean interested Mkt, Mobile, SocialTV, #Programmatic. CEO at @RekketDH & MGC Consulting. VP & Exec Board Member at @AMDIAweb & http://asociacionmovil.com