Don’t Let a Bad Yesterday Ruin a Great TODAY

Let it go

Michael Gebben
2 min readApr 7, 2014

Here’s a quote from a guy I wanted to meet for a long time and actually just recently got to meet.

“Don’t ruin a good day today by thinking about a bad yesterday. Let it go.” — Grant Cardone

If you guys know me, I absolutely want nothing more for you than to be happy, live everyday to the fullest and just be floored about each and everyday. But so many of us can get in a rut thinking, “Gosh! When’s it gonna get better?” “I’m just having a bad day every single day.”

I believe that truly, you have bad days all the time or on a regular basis because of this exact quote. You’re taking something from yesterday, something from the past and you’re hanging on to it. You’re allowing that to control your future. You’re allowing that to control your present. The only way you can change today is by literally letting go of whatever has happened in the past, making the best of today and moving forward.

I’ve talked about “You can’t drive forward looking through your rearview mirror.” This is just another way of saying and reiterating that point. You can’t move forward if you keep looking at the past. You cannot control the past. You cannot control what happened but you can control today. You can choose to make today great. You can choose to have an awesome day today. You can choose those thoughts, those patterns, all those different things ‘coz you have that choice. You have that choice to let go of yesterday, to let go of the past, embrace the present and rock it out.

I’m super excited for you guys to choose today to be great. Choose today to be awesome and let go of that nasty past that might be haunting you. Rock & roll my friends!

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Michael Gebben

When I HEAR you, I can HELP YOU. Turning Blindspots to Breakthroughs⚡️ ❤️ 🔧