but at what?

Michael Gebben
3 min readJan 17, 2014

When I was writing in my Five Minute Journal this morning, I saw this quote at the top of the page:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” -Albert Einstein

I LOVE this quote because it is so TRUE. We ALL have gifts and talents….strengths and weaknesses…..things we are great at and things we suck at. But too many times, we are told to focus on our weaknesses, on the things we hate and that go against the grain.

As the quote implies,that fish WILL NEVER be able to climb that tree but if someone tells it to keep trying, the poor fish will keep being frustrated EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Instead, that fish can do amazing things like stay under water for well pretty much forever and animals that can climb trees can’t stay under water for extended periods of time without dying!

So test a lot of different things to figure out what your gift/talent is but once you figure out that thing, that just feels right, that just comes naturally, GO WITH IT!! Don’t fight it! Someone at an event once said, “If you focus on your weaknesses for to long, you will have very strong weaknesses.” The MOST successful people on this planet focus on their gifts/talents and find people to help them with the things they are bad at!

Now don’t think because you don’t think you are good at anything right now means that you have no gifts!! That couldn’t be farther from the truth! You just haven’t found your gift yet and that’s okay. NOW you get to explore. ☺ Make the best of it!

I want to share something with you about one thing I sucked at and got BETTER at-

  1. This video is my very first video blog in 2010 and in my opinion, it was horrible! But I started and explored and even though I wasn’t good at it at the time…..I GOT BETTER with practice and it started to just come naturally!! IT FELT right!
  2. Flash forward to 2013 and I’m now creating videos that I’m VERY proud of like this one- So when you take something that may be a weakness today but feels right and you enjoy it, YOU can get better at it with practice and determination. But something that you are weak at, doesn’t feel right and doesn’t come naturally, will DRIVE you crazy trying to get better at it! GO WITH YOUR GUT!

So you see, things just take time! Things take patience! I BELIEVE in YOU and I believe that you will find your gift when you STOP worrying about other people’s opinions and start following your gut! YOU follow what feels right to YOU!! Because once you find that thing that excites you and you are pumped to practice or get better at and it just feels right, LIFE WILL ROCK!!!

PUMPED for YOU! Now get out there and start exploring! ☺

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Michael Gebben

When I HEAR you, I can HELP YOU. Turning Blindspots to Breakthroughs⚡️ ❤️ 🔧