Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2024
Can Bitcoin Illuminate Your Path: A Journey Through Finance, Philosophy, and Truth?

In a world of Bitcoin, truth hard to find,
Uninformed or misled, it plays with the mind.
News clamoring to be first, sources planned,
Information helping few, making them grand.

To learn about Bitcoin, the task at hand,
Find the truth for yourself, take a stand.
Navigate the noise, the rumors and lies,
Seek knowledge and wisdom that truly flies.

Research, analyze, with a critical eye,
Separate fact from fiction, don’t comply.
In the realm of Bitcoin, where fortunes are made,
Education and truth are your best trade.

Delve deep, seek clarity, don’t be swayed,
In the world of Bitcoin, where truth is portrayed.

Maybe start with Austrian economics, a theory profound,
Austrian principles, wisdom unbound.
Learn the basics, the truths it delivers,
See how it fits Bitcoin, a digital gold.

Scarcity, sound money, free markets in play,
Austrian economics paves the way.
Bitcoin, decentralized, limited supply,
Aligns with these principles, reaching the sky.

No central control, no government hand,
Bitcoin stands strong, a digital land.
Austrian economics, a guiding light,
Understanding Bitcoin, shining bright.

So delve into the teachings, the principles clear,
Connect the dots, see the vision appear.
Bitcoin and Austrians, a match to behold,
In the world of finance, a story unfolds.

Continue your journey in the world of ideas,
Ayn Rand’s "Atlas Shrugged," its wisdom untold.
Connect the dots, see the patterns align,
A philosophical journey, a tale divine.

Understanding currency, money’s true face,
A documentary clarifies, in this vast space.
Currency’s just a promise of debt we assign,

But money a store of value, a concept so fine.

As costs keep rising, inflation’s cruel game,
Time for work, for currency, not quite the same.
Why does it happen, this endless chase,
Currency devaluing, at a quick pace?

Analyze the system, see its hold so tight,
Empowering few, plunging many to the night.
A realization dawns, truth breaks through,
Bitcoin shines bright, a path so true.

At the price you deserve, at the moment clear,
Bitcoin awaits, without any fear.
Breaking free from chains, from the system’s design,
A journey of realization, so divine.
Finance, ideas, philosophy, in a blend so rare,
Technology’s marvels, floating in the air.

Follow your passion, seek truths untold,
Bitcoin’s guidance, a story to unfold.
Mixing passion with truth, a powerful brew,
Bitcoin’s light shining, guiding you through.

Embrace the journey, wherever it may lead,
In the Bitcoin world, sow your seed.
Blend your essence with wisdom’s ray,
Bitcoin will lead, showing the way.

So venture forth, with courage and might,
Into the Bitcoin world, gleaming so bright.
Let your passions ignite, truth in your hand,
Bitcoin will guide you, across the land.

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