Mastering Prompt Engineering: Insights from WeAreDevelopers Conference 2024

3 min readJul 20, 2024


Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the WeAreDevelopers Conference in Berlin and dive deep into the world of prompt engineering. The talks and workshops on this topic were particularly enlightening. Here’s a summary of the main principles of effective prompt engineering that I learned during the event.

1. Assign a Role to the LLM

One of the key takeaways is to always assign a role to the language model. This helps in setting the context and guiding the model’s responses. For example, you might start with, “You are a software engineer who attended the WeAreDevelopers Conference in Berlin. You enjoyed the talks and workshops, especially the ones on AI.”

2. Be Very Clear

Clarity is crucial in prompt engineering. Be explicit about what you want the model to do. For instance, instead of a vague request, specify, “Create a post for LinkedIn platform to share your experience from the WeAreDevelopers Conference in Berlin.”

3. Avoid Short Prompts

Prompts that are too short can lead to ambiguous or incomplete responses. Provide enough detail to guide the model effectively. A well-structured prompt ensures that the model understands the task at hand.

4. Give the Model Time to Think

Encourage the model to think through the task by appending prompts with phrases like, “Let’s think step by step.” It turns out that this simple addition can significantly improve the quality of the responses, as it prompts the model to consider the task more thoroughly.

5. Use One-Shot or Few-Shot Prompting

Whenever possible, use one-shot or few-shot prompting by providing examples. Two to five examples seem to be the sweet spot. Include a mix of positive and negative examples to prevent bias and guide the model towards the desired output.

6. Use delimiters whenever possible

Using delimiters in prompt engineering with ChatGPT is highly recommended for several reasons:

Clarity and Structure

Delimiters help clearly define different parts of the input, making it easier for the model to understand and process the information. This reduces ambiguity and improves the accuracy of the responses.

Separation of Concerns

By using delimiters, you can separate distinct sections of your prompt, such as instructions, examples, and questions. This helps the model focus on each part individually, leading to more precise and relevant outputs.

Enhanced Readability

Delimiters make the prompt more readable, both for the user and the model. This is especially useful when dealing with complex or lengthy prompts, as it helps maintain a clear and organized structure.

Error Reduction

Clearly defined sections can help reduce errors in the model’s responses. When the model knows exactly where one part ends and another begins, it is less likely to mix up information or provide incorrect answers.

Flexibility in Prompt Design

Delimiters allow for more flexible and creative prompt designs. You can easily include multiple examples, detailed instructions, or specific formatting requirements without confusing the model.

7. Adjust Temperature

Temperature is a parameter that controls the “creativity” or randomness of the text generated by ChatGPT. The typical temperature for ChatGPT lies between 0.0 and 2.0. For example, for code generation, a lower temperature is recommended, while for creative writing, a higher temperature works better.

8. Additional Resources

For those interested in diving deeper into prompt engineering, here are some valuable resources:

OpenAI Cookbook:

Learn Prompting:

By applying these principles, you can enhance the effectiveness of your prompts and achieve more accurate and relevant outputs from language models. Happy prompting!


Feel free to share your thoughts or any additional tips you might have in the comments below!




Software engineer. Positive, open-minded person with a strong intercultural competence. Interested in software development and AI.