The Ultimate Guide To Heat-Treated Wooden Pallets: Everything You Need To Know

11 min readJun 6, 2023


Businesses need wrapping equipment to protect their raw material and goods against impact and other damages during loading and transportation. Wood pallet suppliers choose heated-treated wooden pallets as the ideal candidates (products) for loading, storing, packing, and transferring goods.

What is the reason behind their popularity? They’re lightweight, moisture and chemical-resistant, and durable. On top of that, Heat Treated wood pallets are recyclable with the correct life cycle implementation techniques. This article will discuss heat-treated wooden pallets in detail.

Heat Treatment of Wood

Heat treating a wood pallet is the process of applying non-flammable heat on wood until its core temperature rises to 132 ˚F and stays there for 30 minutes or more. The heat degrades the wood polymer, which is prone to pest attacks, and increases the material’s resistance to decay.

What Are Heat-Treated Wooden Pallets?

Heat-treated wooden pallets are packaging and storing logs that have been heat-treated to make them more stable structurally and safe for use and transport. Once treated, wooden pallets are free of pest attacks such as termites (the most common ones), carpenter ants, and bed bugs that slowly chip away the material.

Heat-treated wood pallets last longer than untreated ones because they don’t degrade as quickly. They have a high recyclable potential that does wonders for ESG in supply chain management, as shown below. The following sections discuss these storage units’ life, use, and benefits.

The ISPM-15

The International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) was introduced in 2002 as a standard for wood packaging materials in international trade. The ISPM-15 was set and accepted by 82 countries worldwide, including all major producers of goods.

All wood products shipped overseas over 6 millimeters thick should be heat-treated per standards. For this reason, many lumber providers put heat-treated wood pallets on sale. All companies registered in the network countries must abide by the ISPM-15 standard and use heat-treated wood for transporting goods to overseas markets.

Marking Standard For Compliance

Heat-treated lumber is always stamped for verification and differentiation from untreated wood. The pallets complying with ISPM-15 are marked in the following format:

1. A trademark on individual parts of the pallet indicating the company they belong to,

2. A wheat symbol for ISPM-15 compliance. This mark also includes a country code and is present on individual pallets, and

3. A mark combining both symbols mentioned above on the box of lumbers.

Heat-Treating Methodology

Wood Heat Treatment is done in specialized kilns that may be inspected upon audits to ensure their effectiveness, safety, and environmental impact. The temperature of the kilns can go up to 392 ˚F to bring the core of the wood to 132 ˚F. To keep the wood from catching flames, the physical conditions in the kiln are controlled to prevent combustion.

The aim of heating wooden logs is to rid them of their moisture content. Earlier methods used heat from vegetable oil to remove moisture from the wood, but now the processes are more diversified based on industrial usage.

There has been a renewed interest in wood heating mechanisms to make the energy used in heating useful. The goal is to balance between making efficient custom wooden pallets and limiting environmental impact. Research variables to increase efficiency had been introducing fire-exhausting gases like nitrogen in the chamber and heat transfer through metals and convection currents.

Uses Of Heat-Treated Wooden Pallets

Heat treatment can increase the stability and lifespan of pallets. Let’s explore its use in more detail.

Material Handling

During the logistical handling of raw materials or finished goods, they can come in danger of falling, slipping, and bumping on numerous occasions. This can create dents on the pallets, cause breakage, or cause spillage, none of which are desirable circumstances. Using wooden logs to store materials cushions them from impacts that concur damage to their integrity.

Heat-treated wooden pallets, in specific, are lightweight (without moisture content), so they are easy to handle when moving materials around, and their durability ensures their protection from impact.

Supply Chain Management

Stamped heat-treated pallets are widely used for the supply chain management of bulky goods. They provide optimum solutions for moving materials and goods for manufacturing and delivery without being too expensive.

The stamp indicates moisture content has been removed, which keeps pest attacks at bay which means goods can stay safe in storage for a long time without damaging storage units. It also gives logistics more flexibility in transporting materials for manufacturing and delivery. Streamlining the supply chain is made easy through durable lumber logs.

Plenty of companies have stamped wooden pallets for sale today. We will recommend our pick in a bit.

Workplace Health And Safety

Although workplace safety is a part of supply chain management, its consequences are profound enough to deserve a separate discussion. ESG in companies is highly dependent on worker safety and experience at high-risk on-field jobs.

Using lightweight material that resists chemical damage goes a long way toward ensuring workers’ safety. People in packaging believe buying heat-treated recyclable wood pallets or other low-risk materials can minimize injury in accidents that commonly occur during lifting, loading, and transportation.

Apart from having a worker-friendly workspace that can recruit more talent, this also helps a business avoid legal trouble over serious injuries or loss of life.

Advantages Of Using Heat-Treated Wooden Pallets

A heat-treated pallet is durable lumber and increases the lifespan of your packaging materials. Here are a few advantages of the pallet.

Protects The Pallet and Stored Material

Heat treating a wooden pallet rids it of pest infestations or mold growth. It also ensures that the wood will resist any future pest or microbial attacks because heat causes it to lose moisture, which pests and microorganisms thrive on.

Since the wood becomes resistant to degradation, it retains its strength for a long time. A strong yet lightweight material protects delicate products against falls and impact.


The long life of heat-treated pallets ensures they can be used over a few supply chain cycles before retiring. As a result, the manufacturing or transportation business spends less on packaging.

These pallets are also water and chemical-resistant to be used for various products. Additionally, the pallets are available in multiple sizes and can be customized by various pallet wood suppliers throughout the country, so acquiring them for industrial use is easy.

More Growth Opportunities For Businesses

Since heat treatment of wood makes it eligible for international shipping, a business can expand its market share by exporting its products to overseas markets with heat-treated wood pallets. Exposure to different markets can help them access larger audiences and make new customer bases.

The ISPM-15 is recognized by major exporters of goods, so getting the accreditation opens various doors of growth for a business. Participants of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) ̶ 184 countries in total ̶ also recognize the importance of the ISPM-15 standard and welcome businesses that comply.

However, it must be noted that heating the wood logs is not the only requirement that verifies the shipping standards for businesses as per ISPM-15. All the requirements need to be fulfilled to get the ISPM stamp.

Avoids Health Hazards Of Workers

Mold growth or pest infestation can cause serious health issues and allergic reactions in people working in manufacturing factories. Working in a damp environment or the chemical industry also intensifies the health and safety risk.

Pest-resistant packaging tools significantly reduce the risk of microbial and mite infections among workers that moisture, chemical spills, or the wood itself may bear out. Heat-treated and stamped pallets for sale from suppliers across the United States can help businesses lower the health risks associated with manufacturing.

Improves Customer Experience

Since the supply chain is streamlined through reliable packaging, the chances of a customer receiving a damaged product decrease. Along with timely delivery, this helps customers associate a positive image with the company. It also increases customer loyalty as a positive experience makes them more likely to buy from you again and suggest you to friends.

Typical Life Cycle Of A Heat-Treated Wooden Pallet

The life cycle of a heat-treated pallet depends on how and if manufacturers reuse it. However, the general life cycle of a wood pallet as it moves through the supply chain is as follows:

· Sourcing of wood and transporting to a storage manufacturer

· Synthesizing a pallet that may or may not be heat-treats

· Transporting to a suitable manufacturer where it is used as intended

The products are delivered directly to customers or other businesses after the pallets are discarded or sent to recycling centers.

Manufacturing of a heat-treated pallet depends on whether it is meant for single-use or recycling. For single-use pallets, the design and construction are simple and can absorb minor impacts without damaging the stored product. They are usually made of locally engineered or low-cost woods such as pine.

Buying custom wood pallets with a complex design and sturdiness is safer if a business intends to last a few recycling terms. The raw materials used for such pallets have more weight, such as high-quality hardwood.

Sustainability With Heat-Treated Wooden Pallets

Wood is a naturally available source as trees can be planted repeatedly. Planting trees after using them for raw materials significantly lowers the carbon footprint of wood packaging. With careful management, trees can provide an unlimited supply of wood.

Heated-treated pallets have recycling potential because of their durability. The foundations of wood usually quickly weaken because they can become breeding grounds for pests and mold growth, which chip away at its core. With heat treatment, wood can last a few cycles in the supply chain because it is resistant to termite attacks and microbial growth.

Heat-Treated Wood Vs. Plastic Pallets

To compare plastic and heat-treated wood pallets, we’ll look at the ease of access, customization, functionality, affordability, and sustainability.

Both types of pallets are readily available. However, wood still constitutes 90% of the storing and packaging industry. On top of it, wood is more customizable regarding size variations for packaging goods. Several wood pallet suppliers sell customized wood pallets to store niche products.

Plastic and wood are both excellent in terms of functionality. Plastic is lighter and more durable than wood. It can change shape to accommodate a product and bounce back from an impact. However, wood can stay intact in most weather conditions with a stable composition, while plastic tends to melt in the heat or change its composition.

Wood is more affordable than plastic, but plastic last longer and can last a few supply chain recycling terms, so the initial cost is worth it. Heat-treated wood pallets, however, can also last a few cycles without losing their integrity.

Wood is a renewable source, as discussed above. Plastic is not sustainable, and a significant amount of water goes into synthesizing them. Additionally, plastic products release microplastics into water bodies upon being washed. Wood wins the environmental-friendly battle by a margin against plastic.

Heat-Treated Wood Vs. Steel Pallets

Steel is an expensive raw material. While it may be more robust than wood, it is also heavier and carries an impact of its own. Due to this, when a heavier object falls, it creates a stronger force of impact. For a product covered in steel, an accidental fall may damage the product, if not from the impact than from the pressure of the steel.

Steel may have more recyclable potential, but its synthesis is far less environmental-friendly than wood. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon whose production carries a high carbon footprint. As long as steel is recycled, it is safe for the environment. However, the production of virgin steel is less sustainable than wood. Custom wood pallets are preferable to steel for environmental-friendly businesses with limited budgets.

The initial costs of steel are also higher than wood, and maintaining it against natural wear during recycling also costs money.

The Widespread Popularity Of Wooden Pallets

Despite other lumber choices, wood lumber continues to dominate the global market. Its accessibility, affordability, customization potential, and sustainability are the reasons behind its popularity. However, other storing material contenders have these qualities also; some excel at some qualities better than wood. What makes wood the popular choice, then?

A mix of the above qualities gives wood its edge over other substances. The fact that we may virtually never run out of wood and that it is easily accessible globally are two things that make up its unique selling points.

The Future Of Heat-Treated Wooden Pallets

Treatment of wood with heat provides it the advantage of durability and a long lifespan which may keep it a popular choice as a storage material in the future. As industries move toward optimizing their ESG systems, they navigate business operations through the life cycle assessment of raw materials and products.

Life cycle assessment of a substance is a process by which industries measure the environmental impact in different stages of a product’s lifespan: from sourcing raw material to using and discarding synthesized products. Wood has the advantage of an easier life cycle assessment than other raw materials. Additionally, the heat treatment of wood keeps it away from causing damage to the global ecosystem. If pests living on wood find access to other ecosystems, they can disrupt them.

Heat-treated wooden pallets may give the wood an edge over other substances. While wood’s role in packaging will limit in the future, heat treatment will still keep it a popular choice.

Fathia’s Pallets Corp is a wood pallet supplying company with new and custom wood pallets for manufacturing and shipping businesses. The company also has a vast network of pallet partners in selected areas of the continental US that can deliver a diverse range of wood pallet products and customize any size. Get in touch with them to get a free quote!

