Journey in GoTo Core Engineering Bootcamp

Mgs. Tabrani
3 min readJun 2, 2024


The first week of Core Engineering Bootcamp

This year, 2024 I joined GoTo Engineering Bootcamp. GoTo Engineering Bootcamp this year consists of 3 different modules. They are Core Engineering, DevOps, and Mobile Development. In this story, I would like to share my experience in the first 4 weeks, which is the Core Engineering module. Here are a few things that I learned.

Things I learned

Start from Baby Steps

The baby steps I’m referring to involve committing to the smallest tested changes possible. For instance, if we need to write a program that calculates the distance between two points, our first step might be to return 0.

It’s awful and happens frequently in real life. By taking baby steps, we avoid wasting time and energy on the entire scenario. Just tackle it little by little.

Follow Code Convention

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” The same goes for coding. When you’re working with a particular tech stack or programming language, it’s crucial to follow its conventions. In this Core Engineering Bootcamp, we were tasked with writing solutions in not just one language, but two. The first was Java, and the second was Golang.

Pair Programming

I coded in pair

In this Core Engineering Bootcamp, we used to code in pairs. Whenever coaches give us a problem, we solve it in pairs. This practice is known as Pair Programming.

Every day, we pair up with a different partner to write the solution. It’s actually quite enjoyable because it helps us get to know each other better. Working in pairs also allows us to discuss different approaches to the solution. Plus, having two sets of eyes on the code reduces the likelihood of visible errors.

Speak Our Thoughts

Speaking Drill

In this Core Engineering Bootcamp, we were constantly encouraged to share our thoughts. We didn’t have to worry about being wrong. In fact, we learned a lot more by voicing our opinions, arguing, debating, discussing, and challenging each other’s ideas. Plus, since the boot camp was conducted entirely in English, it helped us improve our language skills as well.

Never Love Your Code: rm -rf

Non-Negotiable Etiquette (NNE)

In this Core Engineering boot camp, we follow very strict rules for writing code. Even a minor rule violation can lead to the deletion of all our work. This forces us to be diligent and meticulous. One key rule is to never include unused code or comments. Every additional line increases the complexity of the codebase, making it harder to debug when issues arise.

Overall, this Core Engineering Bootcamp provided me with an incredible learning journey. Despite the relatively brief duration which is only 4 weeks, I gained a wealth of knowledge and skills here.

