Muhammad hammad
3 min readSep 15, 2023


Decision-Making Techniques for Better Choices.

We’ve all been there — standing at life’s decision point, faced with choices that can impact our future. Making decisions can be both heart pounding and daunting, as each choice we make has consequences, some more significant than others. But worry not; decision-making is an art that can be polished and perfected.

Decision making.


Imagine approaching a fork in the road. Instead of rushing into a decision, pause. Take a deep breath. Mindful decision-making involves being fully present, acknowledging your emotions, and carefully assessing the situation. By acknowledging your feelings and thoughts, you can make decisions that align with your values and goals, resulting in choices that get through with your authentic self.

Gather Information and Analyze The situation.

When faced with a choice, it’s essential to gather as much information as possible. Research, ask questions, and seek advice from believable sources. Informed decisions are more likely to lead to positive outcomes. Don’t be afraid to take your time; thorough analysis often pays off in the long run.

The Pro-Con List: A Classic Approach.

Sometimes, the good old pro-con list can be your best friend. Grab a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. List the pros and cons of each option. Assign weights to each factor based on their importance to you. This visual representation can provide transparency and reveal the option that aligns better with your priorities.

The Gut Feeling: Trust Your Intuition.

Our intuition often acts as a silent guide in decision-making. If your gut feeling leans toward a particular choice, don’t dismiss it. Your unperceived mind has absorbed a wealth of information over the years, and sometimes it knows what’s best for you before your conscious mind catches up.

The 10–10–10 Rule.

To add a human touch to decision-making, consider the 10–10–10 rule. Ask yourself how you will feel about your decision in 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years. This perspective shift can help you weigh short-term gains against long-term consequences, nourishing more thoughtful choices.

Seek Outside Perspectives.

Don’t be afraid to involve others in your decision-making process. Consult with friends, family, or mentors who know you well. Their outside perspectives can offer valuable insights and help you see unseen areas you might have missed.

Accept That Not All Decisions Are Perfect.

Perfection is an uncertain goal in decision-making. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, choices may not turn out as planned. It’s crucial to accept that and be ready to adapt and learn from the experience. Every decision, even those that lead to challenges, offers an opportunity for growth.

Visualize the Future.

Close your eyes and imagine the consequences of each choice. Visualizing the future can make the potential outcomes more factual. It can also elicit emotions associated with those outcomes, helping you make a more sound choice.

In layered composition of life, decision-making is a thread that blends our experiences together. By embracing mindful, well-informed, and intuitive decision-making techniques, we can navigate the decision with confidence.



Muhammad hammad

"Information technology student 💻, fueled by self-improvement and storytelling 📚. Programmer by passion 💻, writer by heart ✍️."