Life of Middle Class Man

Muhammad Hasnain
3 min readAug 15, 2021


Photo by Med Ahabchane from Pexels

Life of a man in middle class families is immeasurably tough. As soon as he is born, there are people looking at him with great expectations. He’s almost never able to fulfil those expectations under the burden of his obligations while at the same time, burying his dreams and aspirations as he watches his life pass him by. Old and weary, he dies only to be mourned for a few moments and then forgotten.

He usually goes through school worrying about fees and if his parents will be able to fill them this month. As he eats, he feels guilty for each morsel that he takes as if he don’t deserve it. The constant problems at home and lack of support system, takes a toll on him psychologically and he declines in his studies which results in more insults at school by the hands of his “spiritual parents.”

What he studies and which college or university he goes or doesn’t go to, is decided by the situation at home. If he thinks about starting a business, his empty pockets reminds him of what he’s worth. If he thinks about studying or pursuing something he’s passionate about, the declining health of his parents and the expenses of any dependent members keeps him stuck in a job that he hates.

At some point, he finds a girl that looks him in the eye. That look for him, symbolizes everything that he’s been longing for. Love, companionship, support and admiration. He spends his days thinking about her and nights dreaming about her. He find ways to talk to her in false hopes that someday they may marry each other. Such ordeals always ends up in heartbreak for him because he’s never enough for her.

People usually call him a failure, they constantly remind him of his flaws and make jokes about him. He works hard not only during the day but also when other people are sleeping. When he does something that is worthy of genuine recognition and celebration, they say, “It was only but fate.” Under no circumstances, is he supposed to win.

Sometimes he skips meals or say no when his friends invite him somewhere. Not because he don’t want to go with them but because he cannot bear the embarrassment his empty pockets would bring to him. When they do meet, they sit on plastic chairs in front of a hotel drinking tea, eating samosas and splitting bills. Of course, all this, only if he’s lucky enough to have real friends to begin with.

He wants to buy something that he really really want or need, he accumulates money over months. Every penny he can save, he saves it. After months of doing that, when he finally checks and realizes that he’s hit the milestone, an emergency at home strikes and requires him to spend that money there and then he’s simply back to zero.

Despite everything, he never runs away from his responsibilities. He never gives up when the going gets tough. He buries his wants and needs just to make others happy. He does it with a smile even though it may be eating him from the inside. You see, women and children are loved unconditionally but men are only loved for what they can do for others.

He may feel alone and special in his adversities. He may want to express his sadness by crying but then he realizes that he isn’t special. This is merely the untold story of all middleclass men, all his emotions become kind of numb. These are men who leads life of quite desperation, a merciless cycle without an end.

