mhd adeeb masoud
2 min readJun 5, 2017


As someone who’s living in the middle of a war I do agree with you. People here in Damascus have found a way to keep on living their lives between all the parties that are fighting around them. Extremism of all sorts is something we should all unite to stand against.

Islam does not permit killing any human being. The prophet Mohammad lived among his people in his city, and his city (makka) was the most diverse at its time with a lot of trading activities. It had brothels and clubs. He never ever ordered to harm the people or to attack these places. He never even wished anything bad to happen to them ever in his lifetime.

Even after his own people fought him, hurt him and his followers, and forced him to leave. When he did return, he didn’t torture anyone or kill anyone as a payback. Instead he just forgave them let them go without asking for anything in return. No matter what they worshipped or where they came from…

If you think I am making this up please go and actually read the history, not from Islamic books, but from history books and you’ll know. 0 women 0 children 0 elders were killed by Muslims during the lifetime of the prophet.

He never forced anyone to follow him, nor fought unless he was being fought or to unite people together.

Us Syrians are also being terrorized by extremists and hidden agendas every single day. But we have learnt to be strong and to continue our lives normally and not to participate in spreading hate against any race, religion or ethnicity. As our religion commands us: to worship the God that created this universe, to live and let live, to be thankful to all the blessings he has given us, give to the poor and to remind people that there is a judgment day after death that will achieve the complete justice by punishing the unjust criminals who do terrible things in their lives, and rewarding those who spread peace and love on earth.

May God be with those who are being terrorized, injured or have lost a loved one during these events and others all around the world.

May peace and love be upon you all.

From Damascus, with love.



mhd adeeb masoud

I am a software engineer from Syria. I worked in Dubai, Malaysia, Singapore mostly with mobile dev. I am also a proud Muslim who believes in peace for the world