How to stay motivated when there is nothing to be motivated about

Mher Torjyan
2 min readDec 21, 2018


Setting a goal and achieving it is the most euphoric experience one can experience. Unfortunately, to experience this you must first find a goal to set and then figure out the steps you need to take to get there. Usually, this process is time-consuming, confusing, and often involves an overambitious game plan that doesn’t have a clear path. But once you get over this hump, you set the goal, figure out how to get there, and finally, start you will transcend you to another level of motivation if you truly believe in your dream. You will wake up every morning hungrier than the last and not allow anything to stand between you and where you are going. Now, let’s admit that this lifestyle is not always sustainable and the unfortunate fact is that we are not always dying to achieve something. What do you do in this period of absence? Stagnate? Slow down? Or do you keep up the same tempo of a fast-paced energized life? I hope we can agree that the last option is the most admirable but how can we achieve this? One way is to instead of setting gargantuan goals that require the major infostructure that we discussed before, set more achievable daily goals and activities that will complete your day and encourage you to push yourself a bit harder each day. A good way to achieve this is to jot down your goals of the day in the morning such as hit the gym, work on a project you have been putting away, or indulge a hobby that you have not had time for. I would encourage everyone reading this article to try working through this activity for a couple days and see how useful and helpful this method is. When you complete your goals you truly go to bed at the end of the day feeling more complete. And when a major goal comes around you can put these smaller goals on the side while you focus on achieving it then come back to not slow down your life. When you're running it’s easy to keep running but when you stop or slow down its hard to start again.

Thank you so much for reading my first article I hope this motivates you to try something new :)

