Marie Kondo is Selling Stuff, and Her Followers are Conflicted and Divided. Let’s Look at the Arguments.

Madison Resare
4 min readNov 27, 2019


Marie Kondo, the decluttering expert, and author who has encouraged millions to go through the items in their house to de-junk and only keep the things that ‘spark joy,’ has recently made a very controversial move.

She is selling stuff.

She has opened a store and is selling things like; tuning forks, crystals, bowls, trays, and slippers. This move has created a lot of backlash and division amongst her followers. Some are saying, “so what if she wants to sell nice things?” Others said, “it is hypocritical to tell people to get rid of things in one breath then sell them things in the next.”

Let’s take a look at a few opinions and thoughts for both sides of the argument, then you can decide for yourself to what side you lean:


There is absolutely nothing wrong with this move. Marie has opened a store to sell beautiful quality items that she hopes will ‘spark joy’ for those who purchase them. Here is a bulleted list of reasons why this idea is perfectly fine and not hypocritical in any way shape or form:

  • Not a Minimalist
    Though Marie Kondo encourages us to get rid of many things in our homes, she never actually says that she identifies as a minimalist. For example, in this article KonMari V.S. Minimalism, the author explains, “Minimalism is about simplicity. The more stuff you own, the more your stuff owns you. The Konmari method, which is laid out in Marie Kondo’s book, is the pursuit of your ideal life, and only keeping items in your home that ‘spark joy’ for you.” In other words, KonMari does not = Minimalism
  • They are Beautiful, Quality Items
    If she is selling beautiful things that “spark joy,” what is the problem?
  • What Works for You
    Marie Kondo never gives hard and fast rules on how many items you need to keep in your home. She even said, “What’s important is not necessarily quantity, but understanding what quantity works for you.” (

Want to feel even more validated in your opinion for this move on Marie Kondo’s part? Take a look at this article by the New York Times, Marie Kondo Wants to Sell You Nice Things. What’s Wrong with That?


Marie Kondo is selling a bowl with rough and even sharp-looking edges for $145, slippers for $206, and a body brush for $108. The words ‘expensive’ and ‘hypocritical’ come to mind. Kondo’s method of tidying was sold to millions with the idea that it didn’t matter how much you made or how big your house was; you could tidy and live a clutter-free life.

However, her store full of overpriced items seems to contradict that idea. Here is a bulleted list of reasons many are against Kondo’s new venture:

  • Overpriced
    The pieces are overpriced — which makes many feel her entire style is only reserved for the rich and famous.
  • Hypocritical
    Marie Kondo encourages people to declutter and get rid of a LOT of the items in their homes. Isn’t it hypocritical to then turn around and sell things to fill all the spaced they just uncluttered?
  • Consumerism
    This move reeks of consumerism and marketing tactics. Just take a look at this article, Marie Kondo helped you get rid of clutter. Now she wants to sell you more stuff. Ever hear of a long con?

Also, maybe Marie is about the minimalist design more than the minimalist lifestyle? There is a difference, you know, look at this article by mommy’s cleaning to learn more.

If you are against this move on Kondo’s part, take a look at these two articles to feel validated, Kondo, criticized for selling dumb crap you don’t need, and Marie Kondo made us get rid of everything now she’s selling us crystals.


Whichever way you lean, I think we can all agree it was a move that brought a lot of discussions and revamped Kondo’s popularity — paired with her new Netflix show, of course.

You can find Marie Kondo’s book here, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

So, are you for or against Marie Kondo’s move to open her own store? Share your thoughts in the comments.



Madison Resare

Hi! I’m Madison and I LOVE to Write! I have a BA in English and I currently teach Social Media Marketing online.