Minimalist Design V.S. Minimalist Lifestyle — YES! There is a Difference!

Madison Resare
5 min readDec 19, 2019


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Recently, I have been very interested in minimalism, Lean, and decluttering movements. I love the idea of getting rid of things we don’t need while saving the things that ‘spark joy.’

Just don’t get me started on Marie Kondo’s new store full of ‘things’ to buy — I just can’t even go there.

Anyway, the hypocrisy of famous people aside, I love the idea of living with less clutter and more free, open space. I have lived in enough small apartments to know the value of ‘open space’ — if you have had the pleasure to live in a small space of any kind, you know what I’m talking about.

During my minimalist kick, I also stumbled on some fabulous home design shows on Netflix. These shows inspired me and immediately got me thinking about all the things I wanted to get or create to make my home more beautiful.

I wanted cushions, and rugs, and curtains, and lamps, and throw pillows, and up-cycled projects. I wanted to add splashes of color everywhere, and I wanted an open and clean and uncluttered but beautiful home.

Is Design the Enemy of Minimalism?

Then came the personal struggle, how could I claim to be a student of minimalism if I was also trying to design a home with things that many would deem unnecessary? The whole point of the lifestyle I was trying to emulate was to get stuff out of my house, not to bring more things inside. After some thought and study — I say study, what I mean is, “Yes! I Googled!” — Quote from Confessions of a Shopaholic.

Anyway, after my many searches and study, I realized something. There IS a difference between minimalist design and a minimalist lifestyle! Let’s take a look at some of the differences, and then I will wrap up with my solution to wanting a beautiful and well-designed home — while also striving for a more minimalistic lifestyle.

Minimalist Design

Let’s start by explaining what minimalist design is and what it is not.

Type ‘Minimalist Design’ into Google, go ahead, I’ll wait.

Most likely, you found a slew of pictures containing great big open spaces in white, grey, and beige — with no clutter. Like this

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Simple, clean lines and crisp, clear images — likely taken in homes that are not lived in — or if they are, they have help to keep them looking the way they do.

Calm down, I’m not saying all those who adhere to a minimalist design need help to keep them clean — but I am saying that usually it takes more space to get that kind of look — and you only get more space with more money. The minimalist design is not always very conducive to those with limited incomes or families with a lot of members.

I think the design style of minimalism is beautiful and functional. But it is not exactly my style. And guess what? That’s ok!

The minimalist design — is a style, a look, and it does not necessarily mean that all the people with minimalist style homes are minimalists in their lifestyle. Yes, many times they do go hand-in-hand, but I think it is important to note the difference between the two terms.

Let’s take a look at the minimalist lifestyle term next. Hurray for more Google searches!

Minimalist Lifestyle

One of my favorite minimalist authors, Joshua Becker, author of The More of Less, defined the minimalist lifestyle best when he said,

“Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it.”

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A minimalist lifestyle is whatever you want it to be, and it can look however you want — As long as you are getting rid of the things you don’t want or need and are keeping the things you value most.

I love this quote from,

“minimalism as a lifestyle doesn’t have to look a certain way at all. A minimalist room can also be colorful with books, candles, throw blankets, pillows, etc.”

I don’t know about you, but that made me feel better about my wish for some pillows and curtains in my house!

My Definition of a Minimalist Lifestyle

The minimalist lifestyle isn’t so much about what your house looks like; it is about what you decide to keep and not to keep. It is about looking closely at the things you value and highlighting them. It is about getting rid of the fluff and clutter. It’s about making a clean, clear, and open space that — may not always stay clean but is easy to clean quickly. You don’t have to be rich or famous or live in a big house to live a more minimalistic lifestyle.

I follow a Minimalist Lifestyle, but My Home is not a Minimalist Design

So, to wrap up, yes, there is a difference between minimalist design and a minimalist lifestyle — the difference is important because you can choose to follow one and not the other — or both, or neither!

Once I understood the difference — I did get a few new things for my home. We got a cozy rug and some curtains. As well as some excellent fabric, I turned into a blanket and some pillows. I only keep things in my house that I find to be beautiful or useful, and I work hard to be a good gatekeeper for the things that are coming into our home.

However, I also love to be crafty and create, I love DIY projects, and I love adding color to our home. And now, I have the comfort of knowing that these things do not contradict each other. I prefer a different look and style in my house — while also practicing a minimalistic lifestyle.

So there, that’s the end. My article may not have been too minimalistic — but I try to be!



Madison Resare

Hi! I’m Madison and I LOVE to Write! I have a BA in English and I currently teach Social Media Marketing online.