Stay Updated with Notifine: The Reliable GitLab Telegram Bot

Mehmet Hüseyin Kafadar
2 min readMar 16, 2023


Are you looking for a reliable way to stay updated on your GitLab projects? While there are some solutions available, you may have experienced occasional issues with uptime or support. In this post, I’ll introduce you to Notifine, a GitLab Telegram bot designed to keep you informed with real-time notifications for your GitLab events.

[GitHub Repository:]

The problem with existing solutions

Some existing GitLab Telegram bots, such as Integram, have faced challenges with occasional downtimes and lack of active development. This can impact developers’ productivity and lead to a less-than-ideal user experience.

Notifine: A reliable GitLab Telegram bot

Notifine is a GitLab webhook Telegram bot designed to provide a more consistent and reliable experience for users. Built with uptime, active development, and user support in mind, Notifine ensures you stay informed about your GitLab project activities in real-time through Telegram notifications.

Uptime history of notifine

Key features and advantages of Notifine

  • Consistent uptime
  • Actively maintained and under development
  • Fast and efficient notifications
  • Responsive support, with timely responses to GitHub issues

Setting up Notifine in just a few steps

Getting started with Notifine is incredibly simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Send a message to the Notifine bot ( at or add it to your Telegram group.
  2. The bot will provide a unique webhook link for your chat.
  3. Go to your GitLab project, navigate to Settings > Webhooks, and paste the webhook link provided by the bot.

Testimonials from satisfied users

Notifine has already gained recognition among developers who appreciate its reliability and responsiveness:

Future plans and updates

Notifine’s development roadmap includes support for all types of GitLab events, as well as integrations with other platforms such as GitHub, Trello, and Jira.

Conclusion and call-to-action

Experience the convenience of real-time GitLab notifications on Telegram with Notifine. Just send a message to the bot to start using it, or contribute to the open-source project by creating an issue or sending a PR for one of the existing issues. Stay informed and never miss an important GitLab update again!

