How to pbx detox for kids ?

You med
3 min readJan 12, 2023


PBX, or polybrominated diphenyl ethers, are a group of brominated flame retardants that have been used in a variety of consumer products, including children’s products

Here :

  1. Avoid products that contain PBXs. Many consumer products, including children’s products, contain PBXs. Look for products that are labeled as PBX-free, or avoid products that are known to contain PBXs, such as foam-padded furniture and electronics.
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  3. Keep your home clean. Dust can contain high levels of PBXs, so it’s important to keep your home clean and dust-free. Use a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to remove dust from surfaces and floors.
  4. Wash your child’s hands frequently. Children often put their hands in their mouths, so it’s important to keep their hands clean to reduce the risk of exposure to PBXs.
  5. Encourage your child to play outside. PBXs tend to accumulate indoors, so spending time outside can help reduce your child’s exposure to these chemicals.
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  7. Consider a natural and organic diet. Eating organically grown fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help reduce your child’s exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins in general.
  8. Check with your pediatrician to ensure your child’s diet and environment are safe and do not expose them to harmful chemicals.
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It’s important to keep in mind that while these steps can help to reduce your child’s exposure to PBXs, it may be difficult to completely eliminate exposure. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your child’s diet or lifestyle.

Additionally, here are a few more steps you can take to help reduce your child’s exposure to PBXs:

  1. Choose furniture and bedding that is PBX-free. Many foam-padded furniture and mattresses contain PBXs, so choose furniture and bedding that is made from natural materials, such as cotton or wool, instead.
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  3. Avoid products that contain PBDEs. PBDEs are a group of chemicals that are similar to PBXs and have been used in a variety of consumer products, including children’s products.
  4. Consider using a water filtration system. PBXs can be present in tap water, so using a water filtration system can help to reduce your child’s exposure to these chemicals.
  5. Keep your child’s room well-ventilated. PBXs can be present in the air, so keeping your child’s room well-ventilated can help to reduce their exposure to these chemicals.
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  7. Support regulations that limit the use of PBXs and similar chemicals. Support organizations and campaigns that advocate for the reduction of the use of these chemicals in consumer products.

It’s important to note that while these steps can help to reduce your child’s exposure to PBXs, it may be difficult to completely eliminate exposure. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your child’s diet or lifestyle. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the regulations in your country regarding these chemicals and advocate for better regulations to protect children and the environment.

