What is Niobium?

2 min readFeb 8, 2023


Niobium is a glossy, white metal that commonly shapes a film on its surface when presented to air, turning shades of blue, green, or yellow, as indicated by Chemicool. It has a large number of purposes from use in hypoallergenic gems to fly motors to superconducting magnets.

Did you be aware?

Niobium is named for the Greek goddess of tears, Niobe, who was the girl of Lord Tantalus, as per the Regal Society of Science, because of the component’s similitudes to tantalum (named for the king).
Niobium and tantalum are almost consistently tracked down together in nature, as per the U.S. Geographical Study (USGS).
The Worldwide Association of Unadulterated and Applied Science formally embraced the name niobium in 1950, as per the Los Alamos Public Research centre.
Be that as it may, the component’s other name, columbium, is still generally utilized today.
According to the USGS, practically all niobium is mined in Brazil and Canada.
The assessed measure of niobium in the World’s covering is remembered to keep going for the following five centuries. According to Lenntech, while certain mixtures of niobium residue can cause eye and skin aggravation, there are no known instances of any serious impacts of working with niobium.
There are likewise no known ecological impacts of niobium.
According to USGS, almost 80% of niobium is utilized in the steel business to make high-strength low-amalgam preparations.
The utilization of niobium in these combinations expands the prepares’ mechanical and high-temperature strength, durability, and erosion resistance. Other uses of niobium, as per Chemicool, incorporate pipeline development, superalloys for heat-safe gear including plane motors, and jewellery. Niobium, tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum and rhenium are known as the five recalcitrant metals, as per Chemicool.
These metals all have exceptionally high protection from intensity and wear.

Flow exploration and utilizations

Niobium, because of its range of properties, is utilized in a few areas of exploration. One such examination is in making magnets. One of the most grounded superconducting magnets on the planet utilizes niobium combination wires, for example, niobium-tin and niobium-titanium, as per the Public High Attractive Field Research facility. The 2.3-ton magnet is made of loops of three kinds of wire, two with niobium, and arrives at field qualities of 32 teslas (the strength of Earth’s attractive field on the outer layer of the planet goes from 30 to a little more than 60 microteslas or 30×10–6 to 60×10–6 teslas).

One such use for a superconducting magnet is in attractive reverberation imaging (X-ray) or spectroscopy (MRS), as per a 2018 patent. The superconducting magnet utilizes niobium-titanium wire loops to make an underlying attractive field and extra curls of niobium-tin wire to make an optional attractive field. The two fields consolidate to make a more grounded attractive field than the more customary niobium-titanium superconducting magnet

