Three hacks to take your writing to the next level. How to monetize your writing?

Mohamed Nasreldin
5 min readJul 1, 2023


For the last three months, I have been obsessed with digital writing. It is a unique way of expressing who you are.

Sharing my knowledge and the information I have learned seems like a deeply enthralling journey to go through.

That is why I wanted to know more about writing. I have watched some podcasts and listened to experts in the field.

What I have discovered has totally changed the way I approach writing.

-Editing your craft is fundamental.

We should stress more about this.

When you have an idea or a story you want to share with the world and decide to write it, you have to know that the editing part is as important as the ideas and knowledge you want to share.

I really wish someone had told me this earlier. It would have definitely improved the quality of my articles.

But as a beginner writer, you may be wondering how you can edit your craft.

Using creative headings is the first step.

Creating easy-to-understand and informative words to describe your headings is an easy yet widely unnoticed method.

However, you should carefully choose your words. The words should precisely describe the content of your paragraph. There should not be any bizarre words that don’t convey any meaning.

Try to change the font when you want the reader to focus on certain sentences or quotes.

For example, if I want to elaborate on an idea using a quote from a celebrity, I definitely want to catch the reader’s attention in this part of the article.

So, I can write the quote in bold or italic font. Needless to mention, it will be good to put quotes around the statement.

Do not use long paragraphs. It will make the article look very unappealing to the reader.

The article will be stacked in a similar manner to your high school Biology book. I do not think you enjoyed reading that book back then.

Instead, each paragraph should contain a maximum of 3–5 sentences. It can be extended to 6–7 sentences; however, this should not be done frequently.

Using multiple paragraphs to elaborate on an idea instead of one long paragraph will make the article look far more interesting to read.

The shorter the paragraphs, the more captivating the article will seem.

Do not use a long introduction. A long introduction to a specific topic will make you seem like you didn’t do your research on the topic.

Instead of diving deep into the topic and elaborating on your thoughts, you are taking multiple paragraphs to discuss the introduction, which doesn’t contain much of the information you are willing to share.

I assume it will make it much harder for the reader to grasp the information you are giving.

-Most people don’t read; they scan.

I read a shocking statistic a couple of days ago. It says most people do not read online articles; instead, they scan.

The scanning techniques are completely variable from one person to another. But why don’t they read?

I presume this is partially attributed to laziness.

People are more likely to consume online content in the form of videos compared to written content. It is more visually appealing.

That being said, they scan an article looking for the data they are searching for. Looking for an answer to a question they have.

This brings us back to how editing your work is second to none if you want your articles to get more views and reads.

Most people viewing your content will not read much of it. They will scan through the article.

Using creative headings, shorter paragraphs, and different styles of fonts will make it easier for the reader to scan a larger portion of your content.

It will make it much easier for the reader to find the information they are searching for in your article. This will make it more likely that the reader will consume your content.

-Your content definitely matters.

There is a notion I have recently learned that has incredibly changed my perspective about digital writing.

There are two types of content you can share online.

The first of which is the content that you deeply love to share, despite the fact that few people are interested in this type of content.

For example, you are studying economics. So, you are sharing numerous concepts and ideas about the subject.

Let’s say this content is termed as content A.

The second type of content is the content that captivates larger audiences, regardless of their race, religion, country of origin, or career.

For example, topics such as personal development, personal finance, and sales copywriting

Let’s categorize this content as content B.

If you choose your content as type A, you will be writing what you want to write, not what people like to read.

Therefore, your content will attract relatively fewer people. So, you shouldn’t be expecting views and reads, at least in the short term.

It should be noted that fewer views means your content is consumed less, and hence you shouldn’t be expecting a good financial return in the near future.

However, if you choose your content to be content B, your work will likely attract a larger group of people. Hence, if you master the skill of digital writing, you can make money in a couple of months.

Let’s say you choose sales copywriting as your type of content. There are endless products that can be sold. Your words, if chosen carefully, can dictate a company’s revenue.

So, it will be way easier to monetize your writing if you choose such content.

Think of it as two types of products you want to put on the market. Product A, which is consumed by relatively fewer people.

You put this type of product on the market, your financial gains will be small as not many people will be buying it.

Another type of product is product B, which is consumed by a larger group of people.

When you put product B on the market, your financial gains will be much bigger if the product is considered valuable.



Mohamed Nasreldin

A junior doctor who is interested in psychology, productivity & medicine. Occassionally, I tend to unleash my thoughts about life.