Keto Diet For Beginners

How to reach ketosis and lose belly fat

Michael Hokl
7 min readJun 2, 2022

Well hello there. I guess you want to lose weight and want to give Keto a try, right? But you don’t know where to start? No worries. I will guide you and show you how you can reach ketosis, lose belly fat and how to workout for a fast weightloss.

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What is the Keto diet?

Before we get started I want to explain quickly what the Keto diet is and what ketosis means.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. Your daily calories should consist of 75% healthy fats, 20% protein and the remaining 5% are carbohydrates, or carbs. Your body usually uses glucose as fuel and stores it in the liver in form of glycogen. The converting process from glucose to glycogen is called ‘’glycogenesis’’.

The goal of the Keto diet is to deplete the glycogen storage, by not providing any more glucose through carbs. If done successfully, your body will reach the state of ketosis. Once reached fat will become the only fuel available and you will start to lose body fat. Once in ketosis, you are not allowed to consume any form of carbs or have a ‘’cheat meal’’ as it will kick you out of ketosis and you have to start over again.

A ketogenic diet can be great for people who:

  • are overweight
  • have diabetes
  • are looking to improve their metabolic health
  • want to live healthier

Step by step guide for a succesful Keto diet

Great! Now you know what a ketogenic diet is. But how to do it? And how many calories should you eat? Just follow the guide and you will know.

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Get rid of temptations and Keto prohibited foods

Out of sight, out of mind, right? Many foods that are consumed on a daily basis are full of carbs and sugars. It is those foods that are effecting any weightloss attempts negativly. Those foods are high in calories, but provide almost no, or very little, nutritional value, like frozen pizza. On the other hand, foods like legumes or fruits are healthy and loaded with nutrients, but also carbs. You mightthink peas, for example, are healthy, as they are a vegetable. But reality is that for Keto, peas are not allowed due to the high carb content. Here is a list of things, you should put away to make Keto easy:

  • Grains like wheat, flour, bread, pasta, rice, oats, cereal, corn
  • Sugar including table sugar, candy, pastries, cakes, ice cream, chocolate, soda, juice, honey, maple syrup
  • Starchy vegetables including potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips
  • Legumes including beans, lentils, chickpeas
  • High-sugar fruits including bananas, pineapple, oranges, apples, grapes
  • Low-fat dairy & milk including all cow’s milk (except heavy cream is fine), low-fat cheese
  • Proccesed seed & vegetable oils like margarine, canola oil, corn oil, grapeseed oil and soybean oil
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Start thinking about your meals

Keto is all about fat and no carbs. Ideally you want to stay below 20g of carbs per day, but the lower the better. For starters pick a protein like chicken, beef, pork, fish and eggs.

Of course you will need some vegetables. They will help you get full, while being low in carbs and calories, but high in fibers. And that’s what we want. Good choices are cucumbers, Brussel sprouts, carrots, bell peppers, chillies, cauliflower and broccoli.

Keto is all about fat. So therefore we need healthy fats for cooking, such as butter, olive oil, avocado oil, peanut oil. But fat sources like avocados or peanuts are a great option.

Keep in mind those food options are great for starting out. Once you got the hang of it, you can start using different Keto friendly ingredients. If you decide to get a real and professional Keto meal plan, you can give this one a try. It is full with recepies designed for you to make your ketogenic diet affordable and enjoyable.

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What to drink to lose belly fat

Yes, Keto will help you to lose belly fat, but not if you are drinking your calories. Every kind of soda, diet soda, fruit juices and any other drink containing sugar or artifical sweeteners. Try to drink only water or unsweetened teas. Stay away from alcohol, as it has 7 calories per gramm, but no nutrional value. They are just ‘’empty calories’’.

Use a calorie calculator to figure out your calorie deficit.

What is the secrect to weightloss? Correct…Burn more calories than you eat. Keto is therefore just a tool to achive and sustain a healthy calorie deficit and when you reached you goal weight, the ketogenic diet will make a healthy diet sustainable.

So use a calorie calculator and figure out your daily maintenance calories. If you did, subtract 500 calories and that new number are the calories you can consume daily. For example your maintenance calories are 2300, minus 500 equals 1800 calories. So per day you can eat 1800 of healthy and nutritious calories.

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Keto and workouts for a fast weightloss.

As important as the right diet is, hitting the gym is also a big part of weightloss. While being in a caloric deficit, your body wants to reduce muscle mass before starting to burn fat, you will burn fat anyway as you are in ketosis, but the reason is that your body wants to stick to the fewer calories. So unnecessary muscles will be converted to fat. Try to go to the gym for about three to four times a week and give your body enough rest.

So to preserve muscle mass, and avoid being skinny fat, you need to lift some weights. I recommend three exercises per muscle group and four sets of each exercise. Try to choose the weight so that you can barely manage to do 8 to 12 repetitions.

Cardio is a great option if you accidentally ate to much calories, but in my opinion it is not necessary.

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Reduce stress and get enough sleep

You know what ‘’cortisol’’ is? It is the stress hormone. It is proven to hinder weightloss. So how to reduce it? Try different things like Yoga or meditation. This is a great guide for meditation if you are new to it.

What is also raising cortisol levels is lack of sleep. Try to get at least eight hours of good quality sleep.

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Use the right supplements

Before you are getting into supplements, please be aware they are designed to help you, not to do the work for you. On the other hand supplements like this one are very popular and using them does result in significant speed ups while dieting.

Using protein powder is a great option if you have trouble reaching your daily protein goal. But make sure to use ‘’Whey zero’’. Many protein powders are loaded with artificial sweeteners. Keep an eye on that.

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How to stop High-Carb food cravings

Cravings for sweets and desserts will come. They actually made me fail two times. They are normal and can be caused by many factors. For example you don’t sleep enough, you don’t drink enough or you are prone to emotional eating.

What ever it might be try to sleep more, drink more, eat 100 to 200 calories more or just try to ignore it. Cravings can have many causes, so it is hard to tell why you might have them. Try the tips I told you and see what helps you to get rid of them.

If you cant live without desserts, get this free+shipping 78 Keto dessert cookbook

The bottom line

Keto combined with working out is a great way to create a new and healthy lifestyle. Try to avoid carbs at all costs and focus on good quality, healthy fats.

Once in ketosis you can expect a healthy and steady weightloss, that is sustainable. Also Keto is great for people with:

A ketogenic diet can be great for people who:

  • are overweight
  • have diabetes
  • are looking to improve their metabolic health
  • want a healthier livestyle

I wish you the best of luck and I know you you can make it.

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