How to take a cash advance on a HSBC issued Best Buy Card?

22 min readMar 25, 2019


How to take a cash advance on a HSBC issued Best Buy Card?

I’ve heard I can use my HSBC-issued Best Buy Credit Card to get a Cash Advance, maybe from an ATM preferably, but how do I go about doing that? I don’t recall ever setting up a PIN…

Answer : I might suggest you to try this internet site where you can compare from different companies: .

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Does the reason for this auto loan denial by the bank make sense?
Last month my cousin applied for a used auto loan of $10800 through Wells Fargo Auto Finace and she was putting $2000 down on the car herself. She has been employed as a teacher for 3 years and has student loan debt and a department store card with no balance. She has $6600 in savings. Due to her limited credit she needed a cosigner. As I actually manage her brokerage account and prepare her taxes annually I am well aware of her ability to repay (please no lectures about co-signing). I agreed to do so as I have been a WF customer for years and have property financed by them as well as savings, IRA, etc. My credit score as a cosigner — 760 with no installment payment and very little revolving debt. The WF loan officer — after reviewing my application stated it should be no problem to approve based upon the info he had and the income and assets involved by both of us. He proceeded to prep the actual loan paperwork in advance of underwriting approval. However and much to both our surprise underwriting denied the loan and stated they would send a letter stating the reason why in 10 days — it actually was more like 30. I received the letter recently WITH MY NAME ON IT and it stated the reason for denial was due past or delinquient payment.”””” As I had NO late payments on ANY accounts with all three bureaus I called WF Finance for an explanation. I was transferred to a manager who told me the reason for the denial was due to my cousin having one 30 day late payment two years ago and because her score was low due to her limited credit and mine was so high “”””they could not approve the loan due to the amount disparity in the score range and the weight of the score falls on the primary payer”””” HUH?? Well what the heck is the purpose of having a co-signer if the bank won’t approve a loan for $10800 with the backing of someone who has multiples of the loan amount in THEIR bank in various accounts? They denied the loan because she had a low score and I had a high one. Does this make sense to anyone??””””””

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“”Auto Loan Problem, Dealer Messed Up!?””
Ok, so I went to the dealer the other day and picked out my car, I got them down to the price I wanted to pay, they said I was all good and they let me drive the car home. Here is the problem, I informed the dealer my credit was pretty bad and not to expect a good interest rate when they went for the loan, well, now the bank is saying there is no way they can get me the monthly payment I was expecting, the one I was told I would have to pay. So, I have a new car in my driveway, which I no longer want since they can not get me the monthly payment I was promised I would get. So, WHAT HAPPENS? Do I just return the car and sign some papers and its over or am I stuck with this dealership and have to look at a car in a different price range and settle with that? Personally, if they can not get me in this car for the price they said they could, I do not want to buy a car from them, I just want to return it and be done, this is aggravating, they should not have let me drive this car home and show it off if they could not get me in it for the price they promised, they just knew I was walking if they didn’t make my payments where I wanted. Please help!!!””
What does effective APR mean on a credit card?
This is for a Chase MasterCard account I have. The APR of purchases is 10.24% and on cash advances its 19.24%. But underneath that section it states in bold: Effective Annual Percentage Rate(APR): 42.59%. Is that the APR I’m going to be paying for every month I carry over a balance? It seems a bit high doesn’t it? Should I pay of my account and close it ASAP?
i just got an accoun there and was told they ran my credit to make sure i am approved to have an account there. i was. so if i was approved for a checking and savings account there… would i be approved for a credit card through them? i got my free credit report online and i says i have no credit… so i was just wondering? thanks
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I am 20, and the requirement is 21. Should I still try or that would already disqualify me for a personal loan application? I have and I meet all the requirements.””
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Has anyone declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy and been happy with it?
I have a friend who took care of his mother and his aunt and accumulated a lot of credit card debt for personal living expenses, while he paid the medical bills and now he cannot catch up on his bills. He is a very good hearted, honest person, but he is so far behind. He is working, (Thank God, because a lot of people are unemployed), but he is considering bankruptcy of all of his credit cards. I have known people who declared bankruptcy and they were happy and felt free afterwards, and they are honest, hard working people. But I knew one person who went bankrupt and within 3 years, she was in over her head again with debt, because she never quit buying things and she never learned her lesson. As long as a person learns a lesson and doesn’t revert back to accumulating debt, maybe bankruptcy is a solution. Does this make sense? Has anyone declared total chapter 7 bankruptcy and been happy with the results? Thank you so much.””

How often can you file bankruptcy?
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“How to take a cash advance on a HSBC issued Best Buy Card?

I’ve heard I can use my HSBC-issued Best Buy Credit Card to get a Cash Advance, maybe from an ATM preferably, but how do I go about doing that? I don’t recall ever setting up a PIN…

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Why doesn’t the NADA guide have a mileage option to put in for the classic cars?
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“”Apr rate @ 48 months on a $20,000.00 loan?””
48 month $20,000 loan monthly payment is $488.26 at first amer bank. US bank payment is $497.70 for the same loan. what would be the APR of a auto loan for each of these banks ? need book bvalues and list two if necessary””

Where can I find a high risk personal loan?
I’ve also tried citifinancial.
What would happen with the world if the banks crash?
Then how do explain what is going on in Greece right now? No jobs? No money? huuuuge debt. All thanks to the loan shark IMF and corrupt government. How is this any different from the situation in Europe and America. And money CAN vanish, look at the housing bubble the banks lost money. In a way you are right money can’t go away but if you take into consideration that all the money that is currently in circulation is DEBT. It doesn’t really disappear does it? 90 % of ALL money is virtual money. It’s not real it only exist on a computer screen as debt. If you really believe what you are saying you are A either one of them and have a lot of money. B completely brainwashed and ignorant. How can you not see what is happening? The signs are everywhere. What planet have you lived on?””
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“”How much of monthly rent would I be paying with a 230,000 FHA loan?””
Ok, I can’t stand smart *** replies like the ones below. RENT is RENT regardless if you are buying or renting. it’s for a 30 year loan.””
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I’m a math major with about 2 years left for my BS. I have accrued some debt from student loans, and I don’t have the best job to pay them back. My friend suggested joining the military; he’s an army vet. I wouldn’t be opposed to leaving my family and friends, as I’m pretty much a loner anyways. I would like to utilize my intelligence, but I am also young, in good shape and a hard-worker. He recommends joining as an officer. Once I graduate I will probably get a job as a math teacher; however, I’ve thought about pursuing a career as an actuary or as an university professor. It’s already been 4 years since I’ve graduated and I’m tired of wasting my potential. I’ve gotten serious in my studies to raise my GPA, but the military seems very rewarding and like it would teach me a plethora of discipline. Any suggestions?””
Where can I get a fast loan? Credit not so good?
Single parent school. Grants didnt cover everything. Car about to be repo and lights turn off. Can pay back loan by Feb. 14. 07
Can I get a home loan having only a part time job?
Me and my girlfriend have lived in this apartment for 6+yrs and have a four yr old daughter. She is a pharmacy tech and makes 18 dollars an hr, while I only work three hrs a day making 9 dollars/hr. She has had this income for 4+ yrs and I have just started working at a middle school. My question is if we could get a house loan basically with her income? I’m not sure if you have to be married to do this? I know both credit reports will be looked at but is one income ok? we really want to buy a house to raise our daughter but are not sure on what or how to achieve this. We will appreciate any info that will be helpful and point us in the right direction, thanks!””
Does bank of america provide your credit score and report?
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How do I view my Transunion report again with my file number?
I pulled my credit report through Annualcreditreport site and it went ok. However, I thought we could go back and look at the information again within 30 days. Transunion is asking me to log in but I did not provide log in information and can’t get back to my report. Any help I would appreciate.””
If i have a credit score of 563 will i be able to get a auto loan.?

Can I pay my credit card bill a month late?
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Have flat open paddocks, so best long range rifle for foxes?””

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First time auto loan borrower w/ some questions?
ok Right now I don’t have a car. So here’s the first question 1 I’m thinking about getting a car for about 5,000 dollars because I’m a single mom and can’t afford too high payments. So , How much should I expect to pay at the time when I get the car? 2 How does the car insurance and registration thing work. Do I have to have insurance and register the car before I drive it off the parking lot? I know these are kinda dumb questions but I just don’t know ’cause I’ve never done it. Thanks! “”
“”No credit history, 3 credit card applications denied. 18 year old?””
Repost with new information: Hi, I applied to three credit cards and received denials for all three of them because I have no credit history, which is what all three denial letters said as reasons. How am I supposed to get credit history, if I keep getting denied because I have no credit history. That is the only reason. I have a Chase Bank Account, I’m a college student, and I’m 18. And saying that I need to be 21 because of a new law is false. My 18 and 19 year old co-workers both got approved with almost the same information as me. The only real difference is their address. We go to the same school. I will not get a secured credit card. I applied to: -Discover It for Students -Capital One Journey Student Rewards -Chase Slate Help? What’s the easiest card to get approved for?””
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bad credit score and paying 1100 on car note..
“How to take a cash advance on a HSBC issued Best Buy Card?

I’ve heard I can use my HSBC-issued Best Buy Credit Card to get a Cash Advance, maybe from an ATM preferably, but how do I go about doing that? I don’t recall ever setting up a PIN…

Payday loans / law office/collection?
i went threw a rough patch in life i took out like 3 payday loans and max out my card i am now pretty much up to date but i got a call from lawoffice/ collection office i guess guy called me said they have tried contact per email and i have not respned i asked him what company is this loan from and could not tell then he said if i dont pay 1800 today there will be 3 felony charges issued agAINST ME SO i said i cant not pay then he said this is very seroius call me back 30 minutes i called him back he said there going to have someone come my job serve me a summons i said i am broke so then he said what can u pay today i gave him 100 dollars over phone my card i think i getting ripped off i was scared because he read me a leagal affadavid then he all of sudden transfred me to someone esle so took my 100 dollaRS ADN SAID I NEED PAY 500 BIWEEKLY I CANT I KNOW I PROP FORGOT ABOUT ONE LOAN LIKE 300 BUT PAY 1800 THATS CRAZY WHAT SHOULD I DO WILL THEY REALLY TRY FILE CHARGES OR IS THIS A COLLECTIONS BS BECAUSE THEY WONT TELL ME COMPANY PLEASEEE HELP

Do you know of a payday loan that i can choose my own payment plan?
i want a loan fast but i dont want my payment to be taken away from my banking acount do you know of any padyloan sites where i can set up my own payments.
If you declare bankruptcy do you still have to pay any left over debt off?
If you sold all your assets, and property and emptied your bank account, but the debt is still not payed off what happens?? Do you go to jail? Or is everything okay and your debt becomes cleared? Thank you for your time””
How to get credit benefits of auto loan while paying in cash?
I want to buy a car. I want to pay cash. But I was to be able to gain the benefits to my credit of having an auto loan and paying it off successfully. Is there anyway to do this? Would it be bad to open a loan and then pay it off in full the next month? If it matters, I live in Arizona, and would probably be paying about $10,000 for a car. I just don’t want to have to deal with an auto loan but I want to show that I am fiscally responsible person when the time comes to purchase a house, and lenders can see that I have paid off a car that was on a loan. Is there any easy way of doing this, or repercussions to paying off a loan so quickly? Thank you!””
How do you choose to having credit after bankruptcy are there a quick fix?

Best way to pay off a personal Loan?
We took out a loan (10.5 Interest Rate) in 2006 which is due to complete in 2014 but we want to pay it off quickly. We have 10,000 remaining to pay off which we can do in 6–8 months by paying between 1245–1500 a month. Tried to set up ‘additional payments’ with bank and they gave 2 options: 1) make additional payments and settle the amount 2) put the additional payments aside in seperate account then settle as lump sum in 6–8 months and bank will pay back the interest they’ve charged for 3yr period as we’ve settled 3yrs early. Not sure if we can trust bank to give advice for our benefit………please advise!””
Bankruptcy the pros and cons?
how long should i wait to build credit
“”With 40% down on an auto loan, is my approval virtually guaranteed?””
The loan amount would be 20,000 after my down payment, not the full $35,000. I do not live paycheck to paycheck as I have a fairly comfortable savings even after the $15,000 withdrawl for the down payment. And it is rare that I ever need to dip in my savings for monthly expenses. The monthly payment plus insurance is not a problem. “”
I applied for a best buy credit card and got approved. How long will it take to get to my house through the mail?


Only those who file or know someone who has filed bankruptcy?
for those of you who didnt understand my question. I wasnt asking to get rid of my student loan only if i can include it to make monthly payments. I already know i can get rid of it. And over 10000 is alot if you really dont have the mone y and for the person asking bout my husband no i didnt pay his medical bills they got paid off. Why you being so nosiy bout him? Its was only for me and i wasnt asking should i file its my decison to file not urs. Now usless you are going to help me pay it. Dont give advice about something i dont care about. All i wanna know if anybody filed and how did it go?if you havent file or know some one who has please dont answer dont have time to read some thing dats not going to help me.
Can someone still file their tax return if filing bankruptcy during this year?
Im helping a friend with their tax return, and Im finished with it, but he just mentioned that hes thinking of filing bankruptcy, could that affect his refund, could the goverment take it away or what is the process. Im familiar with most returns just not bankruptcy.””
Bad Credit Private Party Auto Loans?
Does anyone know where I can get a loan for a private party auto sale if I have bad credit? I make a few mistakes a few years ago and now I can’t get a loan to get a new car and mine is broke down and I can’t fix it.
A loan shark is coming after me?
My cousin was killed in a gang war a few weeks ago. Then yesterday some guy comes up to me demanding I give him $125,000 that my cousin apparently owed him. He says if I don’t get it to him in two weeks he will ‘hurt [me] real bad’. I work at McDonalds, theres no way I can get that kind of money! What should I do?””

Why do people go to loan sharks?
and why would anybody be absolutely desperate”””” to buy a wedding dress? “”””A loan shark who made almost 3m by charging clients up to 2"”
“”How many years do I have to wait to get a mortgage after filing chapter 7 bankruptcy, according to FHA?

“”How do you get banks to give home loans for under 40,000?””
The house that I want to but is 25,000. Well worth the money, but the banks only want to give loans for over 40,000 and the Mortgage co. are worse…How do I get them to loan me 25,000…..””
Can I trust a website with my credit report?
are website provide true information about our credit report? How can we know that weather the given report is real
How to get a boys attention? ?
I am really shy when I am around my crush:( I want to know how I can get him to look at me or be like who is that”””” lol I only see him before the bell rings in the morning””

Is this payday loan site legitimate?

What is the best prepaid money card?
i am considering using one since i can’t open a bank account
“How to take a cash advance on a HSBC issued Best Buy Card?

I’ve heard I can use my HSBC-issued Best Buy Credit Card to get a Cash Advance, maybe from an ATM preferably, but how do I go about doing that? I don’t recall ever setting up a PIN…

Can a debt consolidation loan cover my credit card and auto loan? And would I get the title to the car?

What are the tax implications of a credit card settlement?
If one were to settle a credit card, what is the impact at tax time? Example: Settle an 8,000 dollar credit card for 2,000 dollars. Then they issue a 1099 which you turn in when filing taxes. If for the tax year, you only made 12,000 dollars, and now this 1099, does it mean you now made 18,000 with the differential? or is the 1099 handled differently? My question basically is whether a settlement is better than a bankruptcy if you will have to owe the IRS now, instead of the collection company.””

Where to find credit report?
Where can I go to see my own credit report for free? I do not own a credit card, so I cannot get it from Is there a government agency or any other place that I can get this for free?””

“”Free Credit Report Online — I need something free, instant and easy. What is the best site?””
Hi, I am looking for a free credit report online. Preferably a service which provides instant results and is easy to understand. Can anyone recommend the best site to use? Something like a free credit report comparison would be awesome or even just somewhere that I can get more information about free credit reports. Many Thanks!””
duda y trucos gta vice city stories ps2?
Buenas, antes de nada keria decir k 5 estrellas a kien me responga perfecto.. Bueno, alguien me pdria decir trucos k funciones y k molen pa gta vice city stories(ojo, stories) para ps2?? grax y las dudas son:1 se puede tener novia?? 2 donde hay puticlubs en los k se puedan entrar?? gracias!!! recordad: 5 estrellas!!!!!””


How does interest rates affect real estate?
I have to write a 3 page paper about this. I already know the basics of this answer but what more can I write other than… high interest rates make your mortgage more expensive in higher payments which will make the buyer pay more money, versus low interest rates more people will be inclined to take out loans, purchase a home, blah blah what else can i write?””
Is there free credit check available?

Which one of these three prepaid cards would be the best to get for credit building?
Before you say prepaid credit cards dont improve your credit score you might wanna look it up and see there are some that do. Im wanting to boost my credit score. I have zero atm. And id like everyone’s opinions on the following prepaid credit cards. Im looking for least costly but also the most beneficial. 1. Green Dot Gold Visa/Mastercard Prepaid card -5.95/mo -free purchases (most charge for every transaction) -no credit check(they all have this) -free withdrawls(most charge 2.00 fee) -no overdraft or penalty fees. -free direct deposit -free online bill pay -no activation fee 2.Upside Visa Prepaid Card -2.99/mo -no credit check(they all have this) -no activation fee -free direct deposit -earn cash back points -Reports to the major credit bureaus -free transactions 3.AccountNow Gold Prepaid card -9.95/mo -$25 gift added to your card -free transactions -free credit builder -free online bill pay -reports to PRBC -no activation fee -free direct deposit So all have free direct deposit,no activation fees, and free transactions. I just wanna know which would most benefit me.””
Best credit card?
I want to start building up my credit. I never had a credit card before and right now I’m working part time. Which credit card should I get? I don’t plan on buying a lot of things with it I just want to build credit
Do either Equifax or Transunion provide free credit reports?
Hi, Equifax Canada provides a form to retrieve your credit score found here: Nowhere does it state a price for such services rendered. Does this mean it is free? Or does this application simply provide them proof of identity, then going ahead from there means dispensing a fee? Thanks very much, Chuck””
How does Chapter 13 Bankruptcy work in MA?
I live in MA and I am considering filing for Chapter 13. I understand that with Chapter 13 you submit a payment plan to the courts. Does anyone know how they determine what this payment will be? Is it typically a break-even situation every month, where they take your income, minus living expenses, and whatever is left goes towards the plan (thus break even at the end of the month)? Also, what happens if my income increases after paying into the plan…does that additional income automatically go towards the plan payment (and thus I never really see the additional income)? WHat about state and federal tax I lose those every year until I complete the plan and my remaining debts discharged? Sorry for all of the questions, but this is all very new for me. Thanks in advance!””
What is the PA statue oflimitations on a payday loan?

Confused about Loans???
Hi guys, I’m 21 and got myself in to problem with debt! i owe people money everywhere and my job has just cut my hours too! i’ve been thinking about taking out a loan but have no idea on what i’m looking for if i was to look anyway! all the % and numbers just confuse me! someone help!””

Yaoi manga you would recommend for me?
WARNING: Anyone uncomfortable with the subject of gay/ boy x boy relationships please do not read OR answer to this question. I don’t want any abuse, thank you. Question: Could anyone recommend a yaoi manga that involves the uke being sold to the seme for various reasons. Possibly where the uke is reluctant at first? ;p Now I’ve looked through the guidelines and can’t see any issues with this post. Someone told me that last time I posted a question about this type of manga it was not allowed. Personal I can’t see what is wrong about asking. It’s discrimination to gays if you ask me. This is all the guidelines say on this subject: Because kids as young as 13 may participate in Yahoo! Answers””
Will they actually take your personal property when you file bankruptcy?
Stuff like, clothing, toys, electronics, game systems, tools, computers etc.””
How can I know if the payday loan company isn’t a scam?

Are late fees on Mortgage Payments tax deductable?

Is there a consolidation loan to pay off payday loans?
I made a huge mistake in using payday loans to help pay bills during a rough time. Now I can’t get from under them and it’s hard to pay on my regular bills. My credit is 495 therefore it has been hard to get a loan. Is there help for me? Once i can get these loans paid I can make the monthly pay’ts.
What are some good places to consolidate your student loans where you will get cash back and a good rate?
I have a little over $30000 in Federal student loans and I am looking for a good place to consolidate them where you receive a good cash back rebate as well as a good interest rate. Anyone that knows of a good place please let me know.
My credit score is 685 do i qualify for a auto loan?
i am 19 years old i have only two credit cards in good standing, but paid one off already and canceld it, and my score is a 685, do i qualify for a auto loan? if i do what interest rate will i have?””
“How to take a cash advance on a HSBC issued Best Buy Card?

I’ve heard I can use my HSBC-issued Best Buy Credit Card to get a Cash Advance, maybe from an ATM preferably, but how do I go about doing that? I don’t recall ever setting up a PIN…

