Validated Learning Vs Waste: And how do you know beforehand?

Muhammad Irfan Afzal
2 min readAug 19, 2018


Lean Startup

Validated Learning Vs Waste.

Validated learning is a scientific approach to conduct a series of experiments that contribute to positive improvements in the startup’s core metrics. It is a rigorous method for demonstrating progress when one is embedded in the soil of extreme uncertainty in which startups grow.
Anything other that does not contribute to learning is a form of waste.

How do you know beforehand that your learning is validated or a wastage?

build-measure-learn the lean startup model

Before start building and learning we should answer these questions.
By answering these two questions we can know beforehand that we are not going waste time and efforts.

1 — Should this product be built?
2 — Can we build a sustainable business around this set of products and services?

To answer those questions, we need a method for systematically breaking down a business plan into its component parts and testing each part empirically.
That can be achieved with the help of build-measure-learn loop. In this process of the lean startup, you make a minimum viable product (MVP) having the basic features, let the customers use it, get feedback and implement that feedback in the upcoming versions. You don’t necessarily have to make all features together to their perfection and waste time on it, instead you just build the basic version, test it and get feedback.

