Ode to a Wondrous Classmate

Mia Darling
1 min readApr 26, 2018


I would love to take a moment to admire a particular classmate of mine at SVA. Her approach for our Kickstarter projects was exemplary. We were recently assigned with the challenge of raising minimum $1000 with 50 backers on Kickstarter for our Entrepreneurial Design course at the School of Visual Arts.

“Calling All Nudibranch Lovers — Photobook” by Jennifer Wei was the creation of a beautiful hardcover book featuring high-quality nudibranch photographs shot by five selected photographers around the world. I really admired her fearlessness and rapid sharing of updates on social media with an assertive sense of confidence and passion about the idea.

Her posts illustrated a clear “why” behind the project, as well as a vibrant view into her story and background related to its development. The entire marvelously-composed idea excuded a deep thoughtfulness and care. Admiration abounds!



Mia Darling

MFA Interaction Design at SVA | multimodality artist with an ecstatic love for designing user-centered, digital experiences | miarisso.com