Async Coding With Dart: Isolates

MIB Coder
3 min readOct 25, 2019


What you are going to learn: How to run background tasks in dart or What is Isolate? How to implement new Isolate ? How get messages from new isolate? How to pass by directional messages between them?

Dart is single threaded language, but it support to run Async/Background/long-running task using Isolates. Dart allow to create/run multiple isolates in single app.

Isolates in Dart

To read other articles on Async coding: click here link

What is Isolate?

Definition: An isolate is what all Dart code runs in.

Let’s breakdown it definition into parts, What Isolate is???

1- Use to implement concurrent programming.

2- Has it’s own private chunk of memory.

3- Each has separate event-loop that runs all the time and catch events(on touch, make network call, data come from network, etc) and process them.

4- Independent worker that is similar to thread but don’t share memory

5- Communicates only via messages with other isolates.

How to implement new Isolate ?

To create new isolate using “spawn” method of “Isolate” class, at least two parameters are required :

1- Method name which have code of new Isolate

Isolate.spawn(runSomethingOnNewIsolate, ........);

2- An object which can be of any type(String, int or Custom class etc)

Isolate.spawn(..............., 'first long task');

Note: Just after creating new Isolate control of this main Isolate, start executing next instructions below the new Isolate creation line, where as new Isolate keep working in parallel of main/other Isolates

To kill any isolate call its method “kill”:

isolate.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate);

Here is complete code of new isolate implementation:

Dart create new isolate

How get messages from new Isolate ?

To get messages from newly created Isolate use “ReceivePort” class. Two main things in this class:

1- “receivePort.sendPort” is used to send message

2- “receivePort.listen((dynamic receivedData) {});” use to receive messages which sent by “sendPort”

Note: “listen” and “sendPort” must be of same “receivePort” object.

Here is complete code of get messages from new isolate:

Communication in isolates in Dart

How to pass by directional messages between the Isolates ?

There are two ways to pass message between the isolates: i- Using “ReceivePort” almost same way as we learn to receive messages from newly created isolate. ii- Using “stream_channel” dependency developed by dart team(Simple to use).

i- Using “ReceivePort”:

Same as previous one, only pass “ReceivePort” from both of isolates to each other:

Here is its complete code:

Bidirectional communication between isolates in Dart

ii- Using “stream_channel” dependency (Recommended):

1- Add stream_channel dependency in pubspec.yaml file

stream_channel: ^2.0.0

2- Set receivePort object to IsolateChannel.connectReceive() and set sendPort of same receivePort object to IsolateChannel.connectSend().

3- To send messages between them use “channel.sink.add(‘message’)” and use receivedData) {}); to receive message.

Here is its complete code:

Bidirectional communication between isolates in Dart

Download complete source code from Github:


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