Fool the Teacher: A game to introduce kids to sensemakingSensemaking (or knowing how to suss out good information from bad) is one of the most important skills for kids to learn in the 2020s.Dec 21, 2023Dec 21, 2023
How to Think About Cutting a SandwichSome brief musings on my approach to knowledge/wisdom, as it relates to sandwiches.Oct 14, 2023Oct 14, 2023
Published inBootcampSo, You Have an Idea That Could Change the WorldSome common red flags of world-changing project ideas, and advice for those who are waving them.Jan 9, 20232Jan 9, 20232
The Loud Debate & The Quiet DebateAny time there’s a public debate about something, there are really two debates happening at the same time. Which one are you having?Dec 15, 20221Dec 15, 20221
Facebook is dying. Here are two reasons why nobody’s replaced it yet.And also some advice for anyone who wants to try.Jul 27, 202267Jul 27, 202267
The Mansion, The Monster, The MessFixing America (and the world) is bigger than unelecting Trump.May 8, 2020May 8, 2020
5 Reasons Bernie Sanders is More Electable than Joe BidenDemocratic voters care about beating Trump in November, more than any other single issue. So, many voters are planning to vote for Biden…Jan 31, 20201Jan 31, 20201
The Life of a Spontaneous Peanut 🥜Imagine if an evil wizard cursed you with a spell that makes you turn into a peanut for a few hours, frequently and without warning. How…Dec 11, 2019Dec 11, 2019
Ontological Roshambo ✊✋✌️When I feel stuck, I play a weird game of rock, paper, scissors.Dec 2, 20192Dec 2, 20192
The Library of the People: A Parable of Modern SocialismNot many people know this, but a few centuries ago a group of idealists attempted to create the largest free, public library the world had…Feb 6, 20191Feb 6, 20191