What does the DOMA ruling mean for LGBT rights?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - we’ve just taken that first step.

Micah Cowsik-Herstand


I loved the ubiquity of support last week for LGBT equality. It was awesome to feel that the tide had finally turned and to see so many people and companies embracing equality. But it’s a new week now. And YouTube no longer paints its homepage with a heart. And most people have gone back to their lives happy with our country. But our country is still fundamentally broken. We can’t let little successes make us complacent. We need to keep up the momentum. There are still too many states that let employers fire people simply for their sexual orientation or gender identity. There are still too many schools where bullying gay or trans* kids is accepted by adults. There are still too many landlords given free reign to deny housing to LGBT individuals. The list goes on.

Our country is still fundamentally broken

The movement for equality is still young. Brown v. Board made far more substantive changes and yet no one would argue that we achieved racial equality in 1954. Yes, we have successes and yes we’re picking up steam and yes it’s great that the President of the United States so unequivocally supports the movement, but we must continue to fight until all people are free to be who they were born to be.

We must continue to fight until all people are free to be who they were born to be



Micah Cowsik-Herstand

User advocate, software engineer, actor, musician, writer, researcher, #steminist. ‘On a scale from 1 to over-trusting, I am pretty damn naive.’ ~@KaySarahSera