Tame Your TBR Pile

Micah McGuire
8 min readFeb 20, 2019
Image Credit: Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

If you’re a reader, chances are you have a towering “To Be Read” pile. With new and exciting books being released every day, it can be almost impossible to keep up with new titles, the books others recommended to you and the ones you want to read next.

Fortunately, we can organize that monster TBR list and get “what to read next” chaos under control. Welcome to an image-based guide to using Trello and BookBub for tackling your TBR.

Get Your TBR List Under Control


NOTE: I am not associated with Trello or Bookbub and this is not a paid endorsement for either service. I’ve simply gotten a great deal out of using both services and wanted to share them with other Medium readers.

If you’re brand new to Trello, you’ll probably want to take a look at their getting started guide first. Once you’re comfortable with how Trello boards work, you can dive into this guide.

Step One: Download a reading board template or create your own

Originally, I started my Trello TBR tracking by using this board from Alicia Camilla. As I used the board, I tweaked it a bit to suit my needs. You can get the full



Micah McGuire

Writer, ACE-certified health coach, major productivity geek.