Our Wish for Others’ Happiness Is the Driving Force for Our Own Development

Micah Rivers
1 min readNov 16, 2022
Photo by Jonas Jacobsson on Unsplash

When we engage with others’ content with an open heart and desire for wisdom, we make joyful progress in our own lives.

As long as you are sincere, your own victory will undoubtedly unfold in front of you.

The ideas of others guide our own individual progress as we learn to interpret our own experiences.

It is no coincidence that our orbit is filled with the people that are there to help. We just need to pay attention and see them as our guides.

As we advance together in the pursuit of our self-advancement, we deepen both our wisdom and compassion with the passing of time. This cannot be done alone.

If those in our orbit are not being lifted and supported, we will be anchored down. We are but one stitch in a net of stitches working together to move our collective consciousness.

With peace and love,

Micah Rivers



Micah Rivers

Behavior analyst and biologist educating the general public about mindfulness and our collective conscious evolution towards the next paradigm shift.