The Art of Staying Fit Without a Formal Gym Membership

Micah Rivers
7 min readDec 19, 2022
Author — Canva

The modern perception of working out

Exercising is often perceived as an obligation for a specific time of day or part of the week, but it need not be.

I have a solution that I hope can help you

It’s been almost four years since I have had a formal gym membership.

There are several practices I incorporate into my life to maintain my health, but for the purpose of this article, I will focus on incorporating fitness into your daily routine

Aging youthfully

In spite of being almost 40 years old, I am the same weight as I was in high school, and I feel healthier than ever.

***Before you point fingers at my genes, obesity runs in my family and I have experienced obesity on my own.***

The hardest part is showing up

Most gyms would have little to no space if every member showed up every day, and access to equipment would be severely limited.

That’s because they count on people not to show up. And most don’t.

How many of us have a gym membership and find every excuse to not go? I can relate and I know I am not alone.



Micah Rivers

Behavior analyst and biologist educating the general public about mindfulness and our collective conscious evolution towards the next paradigm shift.