What Is The OSI Model? And Why Is It Important?

Micah Thornton
6 min readJan 20, 2023

The OSI model, or Open Systems Interconnection model, is a framework for understanding how different communication protocols work together to enable network communication. The OSI model consists of seven layers, each of which is responsible for a specific aspect of network communication.

Continue reading below to dive into each layer and what it is does!

Layer 1: Physical

The physical layer of the OSI model is the lowest layer and is responsible for transmitting raw bits over a communication channel. It defines the electrical, mechanical, and functional characteristics of the physical link between a device and the communication medium (e.g. cable, wireless). It also includes the specifications for the connectors and signaling used to establish a link between devices. The physical layer is responsible for transmitting bits from one device to another without concern for the meaning of the bits.

Layer 2: Data Link

The data link layer of the OSI model is the second layer and is responsible for creating a reliable link between two devices on a network. It is responsible for providing error-free transmission of data packets across a physical link and for providing flow control to prevent data overflow. This layer also provide physical addressing (MAC address) which is used to identify a device on a network, and also responsible for error detection and correction. The data link layer is divided into two…



Micah Thornton

Cybersecurity & Data Analyst | IT Professional | Software Engineer.