The Top 5 Most Powerful Jedi

Micah Wagman
4 min readAug 1, 2017


There are many Jedi in the Star Wars universe, however there are many that outshine the others. These are the 5 most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars universe.

At number 5 we have Obi-wan Kenobi. Kenobi was both the master of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, and one of the first Jedi in 1,000 years to defeat a Sith lord in one-to-one combat. Kenobi was also one of the few members of the High Jedi council to survive Order 66. After defeating his old apprentice Anakin Skywalker, he brought his son into hiding in order to protect him from the Sith lord. When Obi-Wan faced his old apprentice, he was old and tired and became a martyr for Luke to continue his training and eventually face his father Darth Vader.

At number 4 we have Mace Windu. Before giving the title to Master Yoda, Mace Windu was the Master of the Jedi Order. He was one of the best lightsaber masters ever and even created the seventh form of lightsaber combat, called Vaapad. Windu was the only practitioner of this fighting style that never, ever fall to the dark side. He killed Jango Fett, the legendary bounty hunter, and was a great general, considered by everyone to be the best Jedi duelist that ever lived.The powerful Sith Lord Count Dooku escaped Mace Windu, after Mace dueled him and won. When Mace Windu fought Darth Sidious had almost won, Anakin Skywalker betrayed him, and the Great Jedi Master Windu died by treachery.

Number 3 is Sith turned Jedi Revan. Revan was recognized by the Jedi order as an amazing military strategist, who was extremely charismatic and influential. Revan was a great Sith Lord, but the Jedi Order captured him and wiped his memory, so they could use this formidable warrior for their own cause. This was something the Jedi had never done before which shows the respect the Jedi had for Revan. Revan fell in love with Bastilla. Darth Malak captured Bastilla and converted her to the dark side of the Force, but Revan wouldn’t give up on her, dueling her and defeating her. She then asked him to turn to the dark side with her and assume his true identity. Raven refused and went on to kill Malak. Bastilla regained her senses for love and fought by the Republic as well. Revan was declared a Hero of the Republic.

Revan, with both Jedi and Sith Lightsabers

At number 2 is the small but furious Yoda. Master of the Jedi Order and the longest leader of the Jedi Council, training countless number of Jedi, and a master in both lightsaber combat and force abilities. Yoda believing in non-violence unless necessary, dedicated his life to teaching rather than fighting. After facing the ultimate Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, unable to beat him, Yoda escaped disappointed, put himself into exile, “Into exile I must go. Failed, I have…”

Finally at number 1 we have Luke Skywalker, the son of Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader). Trained by Obi-Wan “like his father before him” became a master Jedi, and had been a stellar pilot, also like his father. Destroying the first Death Star dealing a blow to the empire. During the construction of the second Death Star, Luke invaded the station, however was caught by his father and who then brought him to confront the emperor.

The emperor then had them fight each other, the emperor watching with delight, however after Luke literally disarmed Vader, and refused to turn to the Dark Side, the emperor electrocuted Luke to destroy him. Seeing his son being nearly killed, the prophecy had been fulfilled, when Sidious was killing Luke, Vader from behind picked him up and threw Sidious down a shaft to his death, bringin an end to the empire Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Sith by joining them, and was turned back to the light by his son. After the death of his father, Luke founded the New Jedi Order, and became Grand Master. Luke’s nephew, Jacen Solo killed Mara Jade; Luke’s love, Luke failed to see how Jacen had fallen to the Dark Side. Luke always seemed invincible, he was able to use abilities no Jedi ever could, he could see the future, which could’ve been inherited by his father, who dreamed his wife’s death.

Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Knight

Side Note: I think Rey is a Skywalker because she too saw the future when she touched the lightsaber, and no other known Jedi are capable of seeing the future other than Skywalkers.



Micah Wagman

I am avid fan of Star Wars, a listener of mainly EDM, and I also enjoy long-boarding, as seen from my picture.