5 Business Examples of New Ideas

Michael Chavira
4 min readMay 12, 2023


Several businesses have done mind-blowing things by coming up with new ideas. This can be a new product, service, or way of doing something. Process innovation is the process of making your business more productive, lowering its production costs, and making more money. Zara is a great example of this kind of innovation because they can quickly change their clothes to fit the market.

1. 3D printing

Product innovation is a way for a company to make more money and get a bigger share of the market by making new or better goods. This can mean making changes to goods already on the market, making a whole new product, or changing how a product is used.

Flexible electronics are an example of a product that was made in a new way. These energy-harvesting and energy-storage devices can be printed on transitional materials. They can also be printed with sensors that measure touch, pressure, or performance markers.

3D printing is another example. It lets companies make prototypes of their goods and test them with customers more quickly. This makes the time to market shorter and can help keep costs down. It can also be used to make products that are unique to each customer. Cobalt-chrome fuel nozzles made by GE Aviation are a great example of this kind of invention.

2. Uber

Companies like Uber show that you don’t have to be the first in a field to be the best. By using their playbooks, living by their 14 core values, and focusing on organizational excellence, they are able to give their customers all over the world service that is out of this world.

Uber’s tech teams work hard to make sure that your rides are always smooth and easy. They can figure out what the data stream means and put features in place to meet the wants of specific customers. This could mean using AI to set up routes, find busy times and shorten wait times, or even offer services like Uber Health that are more focused on medical needs.

They also find ways to save money, like using regular smartphones instead of special hardware for driver-request apps and saving a lot of money by giving drivers only one mobile app instead of several branded ones. Businesses that do well are driven by this kind of creativity.

3. Tesla’s electric cars

It’s easy to get caught up in all the excitement about the next big thing. But it’s important to keep in mind that ideas don’t have to be groundbreaking to be useful. Even small changes to a product or business plan can have big effects.

The electric cars made by Tesla are a great example of new ideas. The company has come up with new battery technology that will make its cars go farther and cost less. This has given them a chance to compete with cars that run on oil.

Netflix is also a good example of a new idea. The company started out as a service for renting DVDs and then became a streaming service. This has made a big difference in how happy customers are. The company has also added new features, such as original material and recommendations made just for you.

4. Spotify

Businesses that use strong innovation methods stand out from their competitors and become their customers’ first choice. They also offer a place to build value and keep customers coming back.

Spotify is one of the best examples of creativity in the music business. The ability to stream music whenever you want has changed business. Spotify keeps adding new features, like the “Time Capsule” set, which recreates the music that users listened to when they were teenagers.

In the same way, Square has been able to compete with bigger banks and credit card companies by coming up with new ways to make payments. Because the company only works on mobile, it can offer lower transaction fees and a better user experience. It has become a good alternative to standard banking services because of this. Also, the snooze button on alarm clocks is a great idea that has made millions of people’s lives much easier.

5. Square

Square was started in 2009 by Jack Dorsey, who also helped start Twitter. It offers business services and mobile payments in one app. This is a great example of innovation because it helps small businesses and their customers do business more easily.

Another good thing about Square is that it is easy for workers to use. This is good because it can help keep employees and get them to work harder.

It also lets managers track sales based on how much each employee has sold. This is a great tool for business owners because it helps them build incentive programs for employees and find the best ones. It can also make it easier to keep track of sales, supplies, and customer accounts. It even has a mode that lets you use it without an internet connection or power.



Michael Chavira

There’s really nothing better in life than progress, positive change, and innovation, according to Michael Chavira, Managing Partner of Axiologic Solutions.