Michael Rada
4 min readDec 25, 2023

On November 13, 2023, I started 2 polls. I did so within a 30-minute time frame and realized that despite the first having a strong response, no one responded to the second one.

Both reveal the relationship between NEWS and POLITICS

The response indicates that despite having a positive impact on individuals, we are not ready to do, what POLITICS and POLITICIANS have been doing for centuries, SPEAK FOR ALL WITHOUT ASKING THOSE FOR WHOM THEY SPEAK

On September 29, 1938, met in Führerbau the political representatives of four countries FRANCE, the UK, GERMANY, and ITALY agreed that CZECHOSLOVAKIA would lose a significant part of the area in favor of GERMANY. The names of the politicians were Neville Chamberlain (UK), Édouard Daladier (France), Adolf Hitler (Germany), and Benito Mussolini (Itály). The representatives of CZECHOSLOVAKIA were not invited.

In fact, it was the beginning of the SECOND WORLD WAR

Since then is Czech language richer for one saying


If you look around, it is no exception. but the standard of politics and not only the officially elected heads of states and governments, but unelected bodies like the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (established 1972), UNITED NATIONS, and WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION use the same strategy to apply NEW WORLD ORDER, which after decades of preparation resonate today on the media stage without a single grain of shame.

For a long time, MEDIA serves two purposes


The more “independence” in the name, the less independent they are. Acting similarly to the RESEARCH, SCIENCE, and ACADEMIC experts, who are being paid accept orders and projects in which the payer named upfront the result.

Until I began to build a WASTELESS WORLD FOR ALL, I never doubted the TRUTHFULNESS of media, despite spending the first 18 years of my life in the CZECHOSLOVAK SOCIALIST REPUBLIC, where all media has been controlled and censored by the EXPERTS educated and assigned by the COMMUNIST PARTY, expressing in many ways only one truth




These were the slogans that were not missing in any newspapers and reports

The Government did not ask if the citizens feared the future, and invited 1968 the armed forces of the SOVIET UNION for the FREEDOM of the country and its people. FREEDOM protected by guns and soldiers nobody asked for, protected the IRON CURTAIN as the border against the EVIL FROM THE WEST

A few days before I created and launched the polls visible in the header image I started another poll

It collected double the number of views and votes

At the same time, I found in the LINKEDIN post the following image

and shortly after following the website

Both seem to serve the awareness of delivering “NEWS”

The map serves the impression that the biggest emitters and creators of waste are the end users (households) ignoring the fact that households participate in global waste volumes of less than 1%

The second “presents REAL COUNT” has nothing to do with reality, just the nicely set countries that showcase speed and volume, without the need of sourcing data.

The first one was financed by public money and grants from unknown sources, and the second was financed by ???? probably similar players. Just before starting to write this article, on BOXING DAY will unpack the truth, LINKEDIN served, the same as other social media to promote PRETENDERS in the ESG GAME OF FAME

Promoting the world's largest contributor to single-use plastic polluter in the world as the best PLANET PROTECTOR along with one of the largest WASTE INDUSTRY players that double its effort by making money not only with WASTING of PRODUCTS but the same with WASTING OF WATER

The EXPERT for paid rating, preparing the next celebration that for free will be adopted by all media without asking for the true impact.

It is a question whose obsolescence will result in the obsolescence of the other or in radical transformation in heading back to roots

I think POLITICS will be the first

Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free

Michael Rada, HUMAN



Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0