Using QR-Codes in a large scale sustainability product: Relevo

Michael Ilic
7 min readJun 22, 2023

Learn more from our experience of using QR-Codes at Relevo — a large scale reusable tableware startup for takeaway food & drinks.

What does Relevo do?

Relevo, founded in 2020 in Munich, Germany, is one of the largest digital reusability startups for takeaway food & drinks worldwide. Our unwavering mission is to revolutionize the takeaway market by eliminating single-use plastics and therefore helping our environment. We are accomplishing this, by equipping restaurant partners with high quality reusable tableware that is then used instead of single-use containers when people order food to-go. After enjoying their meal, they simply return their bowls or cups to one of our partners for it be cleaned and prepared for reuse again. Pretty cool, right?

You trust people to bring back their dishes?

It’s not about trust, because we don’t have to in our digital ecosystem. That’s where the QR-Codes come in. You see, every cup, bowl, pizza-, sushi or burger-box has a unique QR-Code sticker on them. That makes them uniquely identifiable and traceable. Everyone who wants to use our system needs to use either the Android, iOS or Web-App, which allows them to scan the codes on the items and borrow them.



Michael Ilic

Head of Technology at Relevo - Eliminate single-use plastics in food&drinks to-go.