How to succeed the first Module @ Microverse

Michael Duke
5 min readJul 27, 2022


Hey there, Micronaut!

First, let’s see this quote “You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it. “ -Charles Buxton. He must have faced something he couldn’t find time for to say something like this, and it’s true we sometimes find setbacks that hold us from doing something we want, for me it’s writing this article, improving my DSA (Data structures and Algorithm) skills, make a project for my portfolio, there are others…

Instead, I prefer watching Netflix, and streaming YouTube vids and for some reason, I always find time to make a chocolate brownie on the weekends..ish. But that’s not all bad you should invest time in yourself and take breaks. You have to. However, how can you find time for the things you want to be done that will consolidate your knowledge or get you a step closer to your dream job? Hold on I titled this article “How to succeed your first Module in Microverse”, and I am going on and on with a cliche quote and how I use my time, well that’s all true and let me tell you that I still do those things that I love doing, and as well the tasks I should be doing, and I am gradually improving at that. For me the Microverse journey started on April 19, 2022, I was referred by my friend, he was not an alumnus but he told me about this program he heard about that will train you to be a full stack developer, and since that very same date I confirm; Microverse exceeded my expectations. Unlike many boot camps that teach you and leave you, Microverse is a school that revolves around community and with that collaboration. Even though I had a Computer Science background, I still went through their amazing program called Level Up on gather which is prepared to get you up to speed with JavaScript fundamentals, HTML, CSS, and Git; all things that are necessary for passing the admissions and getting into the program, but also as much important when you are ongoing in the Modules. So with that let me share with you the honest experience that helped me succeed and thrive during the first Module.

Well I know I am mentioning it again but before April 19 I was falling in and out of learning different programming languages and Frameworks such as React and React Native, and truth be told I burned out for the following reasons.

I didn’t have a road map that guided me to learn these new technologies, but although I was determined I started to cave into imposter syndrome and I nearly gave up on coding. Second, the first reason I couldn’t find a well-structured learning resource that can get me up to speed with the requirements needed to get a remote job, in short, I fell into the abyss: Tutorial Hell. But this story didn’t end as I may have expected, I started taking the reliable beginner course HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git on my own. Yes, this was some weeks before applying to Microverse. Day by day my inner coding fire was rekindling and I was getting back on track the beginner track of course, but that’s what I wanted to discuss. To prevent anyone from falling into the same challenge I faced or better to face the challenge and successively reach your untapped potential, I would like to recommend you a few things.

If you are on your journey to becoming a developer I want you to embed into your beautiful brain that even the best software engineers miss semicolons and they are still the best at what they do. Don’t be afraid to be a beginner in anything since technically we are always every day beginning a day, it could be with a cup of coffee or just mere gratitude for being alive. You are starting something. And this is important because to your surprise it is the same mindset that separates a good programmer from a great programmer.

So to keep note there are a ton of tutorials for starting with the beginner course I mentioned, but for now, I would like to mention one that I always refer to; His HTML & CSS Full Course — Beginner to Pro (2022) is a hit in only a few months, it has over a million views because the author Simon Bao presents every concept simply put “Simple”, and he has everything or just about all things that Microverse teaches in the first Module but in sectioned videos that I recommend following in order, rather than skipping if you are a beginner. The tutorial is long, like 6 hours 31 minutes, and 23 seconds to be exact, you can revisit his page every one, two or three sections, and remember to take a break in between and also give his videos more views.

After that go through his JavaScript course and finally Git he has an interesting way of using Google docs version control analogy which is a great way to understand Git and GitHub. So if you are still here and reading this very sentence I would like to say well done, and I hope you will find what I shared about my journey so far at Microverse interesting and useful to you.

But wait, again I didn’t tell you how you can succeed in the first Module. Well, I can’t give you “The Secret”, but if you follow the road map I mentioned above you should be just fine. Next to that, you should leverage the community. On the “Level up” you have Gather, you will have “Slack” as an applicant and once you get in as well, and another is the “Discourse” platform an in-house website from Microverse where you can post and get answers from students as well as experienced Technical Support Engineers. If you follow all these as “The Man from Brazil” said to me you will have a chill week, and finish the Module strong.

So to close this I had the luck and privilege to get good pieces of advice regarding the first week in Module 1 and I am fortunate to leverage the community and the ecosystem that Microverse has set in place. Happy Coding!!!

To recap from

1)HTML, CSS ,then

2)JavaScript, and finally


But don’t stop there you can find these courses on freecodecamp useful:

4)Responsive Web Design, and

5)JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures.

Kindly leave your comments so I can update the info or you can extend your thoughts here as well.

