Creating UI in Unity!

Michael Desena
3 min readJun 16, 2023


Creating UI in Unity is very simple however its capabilities are vast. Unity’s UI system can easily create beautiful user interfaces with highly customizable settings.

To begin, a canvas and event system is needed for UI elements to be displayed and interact with by a user. You can create a canvas in the hierarchy by right clicking. Additionally, you can create a UI element and Unity will automatically generate a canvas and event system.

Creating a canvas and UI text.

Within our canvas it's wise to set the UI scale mode to “Scale with Screen Size” rather than “Constant Pixel Size”. This is useful for creating UI systems that work across multiple platforms and devices of different sizes.

Scale UI with screen size.

Adjusting UI elements through code is very simple, in our case we want a custom Text element to display the player's score. We have a UIManager Game object with a custom script called UIManager. This script will be a hub for managing various elements displayed on the screen.

Game object to manage UI.
Custom UI manager script.

You can access a text by script when creating a variable of type TextMeshProUGUI. Text mesh pro text contains various additional data useful for creating custom text.

Creating a text mesh pro text variable.
TMPro component.
Inserting variable instance to script.

Adjusting UI elements is very similar to managing other components in Unity. For text mesh pro text objects, you can access text with .text.

Setting a default value on runtime.

If text is constantly being adjusted throughout gameplay, a method is created to set text externally. This method can be used in-script and with other scripts since its access modifier is public.

Changing UI text through code.

In a different script we can create a variable to reference the UIManager and its methods.

Variable of type UIManager.
Accessing UI Manager from a different script.

By combining AddScore() and UpdateScore(), every change that occurs to the player score will directly be set in our UI!

Using UpdateScore() in an external script.
Score text changing during runtime.

