How to make a List or ScrollView in SwiftUI that starts from the bottom

Michael Forrest
1 min readMar 5, 2020


When I figured this out I felt like I’d got a week of my life back.

SwiftUI does not yet support imperatively scrolling a ScrollView to a specific offset. This is not great if you want to make a chat-style UI where it needs to start from the bottom.

Here is a chat UI starting from the bottom

You don’t have to wrap everything up in a UIViewRepresentable component or put content in a nested UIHostingController (which I found messes up NavigationLink behaviour). Here’s how I fixed this problem:

List {
ForEach(items){ item in

There it is. You just rotate the List or ScrollView 180º and flip it horizontally, then flip each row in the same way.

Here’s the view modifier this calls:

struct FlippedUpsideDown: ViewModifier {   func body(content: Content) -> some View {    content      .rotationEffect(.pi)      .scaleEffect(x: -1, y: 1, anchor: .center)   }}
extension View{
func flippedUpsideDown() -> some View{ self.modifier(FlippedUpsideDown()) }

And there you have it.

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