Ring-Fencing Truth: The Tension Between Individual and Institutional Revelation in LDS Theology

Mormonism embraces personal revelation and individual responsibility for gaining a witness of the Divine and of truth, but this bottom-up, almost democratic process is fact-checked by a top-down hierarchy that limits the faith’s potential and funnels members’ personal spiritual discernment.

Michael McLeod
Interfaith Now


This is the first in a series of critical reflections on LDS theology as I navigate my shifting faith.

I offer my thoughts not as an act of retaliation, rebellion or disparagement, but as contributions to the growing community of Mormon thinkers who want the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be the best version of itself.

Next: 5 (Re)forms of Sacrament Meeting: How the LDS Worship Service could Better Accommodate the Diverse Spiritualities of Its Attendees

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is sometimes criticized as an ultra-orthodox institution that demands compliance and blind faith of its members, whilst silencing dissent. There is a point to that view, but the reality is far more complex. I’ve found myself navigating and reflecting on that complexity, particularly since I wrote a Medium piece six months ago in which I publicly declared my gradual disengagement from…



Michael McLeod
Interfaith Now

High school English teacher and writer from Johannesburg, South Africa