ServiceNow Glances Chrome Extension

Michael Ishri
3 min readSep 28, 2018


The ServiceNow platform offers great support for third-party integration via their API’s. This article explains how to configure the ServiceNow Glances Chrome Extension to monitor your queues (glance).

Once you have installed the extension, you need to open the Options (settings) page. You can do this by right-clicking the extension and selecting Options.

On the Settings screen you simply need to name your glance and and paste the URL of the ServiceNow queue.

So, what do I mean by ServiceNow queue?

A ServiceNow queue; in this context, is any list of tickets. Within ServiceNow, you can create your filtered list view (as in the screenshot below) and when you’re happy with it, you simply copy and paste the URL into the Chrome extension (don’t forget to save your changes) and it will automatically start polling ServiceNow every two minutes.

Once the ServiceNow queue has been added, you will see a count of the number of tickets in each glance and when you click a glance, you will be show a summary list of all the tickets (see video demo). You can click the (red) title to go back to the main list of glances or click on a ticket to open it in a new tab.

Warning: There is no limit to the number of glances you can add, however please note that the extension automatically polls every two minutes and if it’s polling a large list of tickets each time, it could end up consuming a lot of data. This is something you need to be mindful of when on a metered connection. Just to give you and idea, a glance of 2000 tickets was around 3MB which equates to around 90MB per hour.

There’s just one more thing you need to know. The Chrome extension needs you to be logged in to ServiceNow to work, so if you’re not logged in, it will tell you and you can conveniently click the message to open ServiceNow in a new tab to log in.

You can find the extension now in the Chrome Web Store.

