Michael McComb
2 min readSep 3, 2022

Harald Hardrada’s claim to England in 1066?

Harald Hardrada didn’t have a realistic claim to England, it’s a bit complex and it was a really big stretch. It involves a deal made between the Danish half-brother of Edward the Confessor and Hadrada’s nephew in the 1030s.

So, after Cnut’s death in 1035, his ‘Empire’ was split between his eldest son, Harald Harefoot in England, his son, Harthacnut in Denmark and his son Sweyn in Norway.

Norway immediately rebelled and restored the old native dynasty to the throne under the rule of King Magnus I, Sweyn died soon after.

Thus, Harthacnut (Denmark) and Magnus (Norway) go to war. It ends in a stalemate, however, both had the ambition to rule over the other’s kingdom and neither of them had children, so they made a deal, they named each other the heirs to their kingdom, basically:

If Magnus dies first, Harthacnut becomes King of Norway as well as Denmark

If Harthacnut dies first, Magnus becomes King of Denmark as well as Norway.

Magnus’s rather silly interpretation however, was that he was the heir to Harthacnut current and future lands.

In 1040, Harthacnut’s brother, King Harald Harefoot of England died and Harthacnut suceeded to the English throne, now as King of England and Denmark.

Magnus still sees himself as Harthacnut’s heir, which means, according to him, he is the heir to Denmark AND England.

When Harthacnut died in 1042, his English half-brother Edward (the Confessor) suceeded him in England.

While in Scandinavian, sticking to the originally agreement Magnus became King of Denmark.

He also sent letters to Edward threatening to invade, as he saw himself as Harthacnut’s heir, to both Denmark and England.

Fast forward to 1046, Harald Hardrada returned to Norway. Harald was Magnus’ uncle and they agreed to rule as Co-Kings of Norway.

A year later Magnus conveniently dies. Norway went to Harold, and Denmark went to Sweyn II, who was Cnut’s nephew and had been governing parts of Denmark as a vassal to Magnus.

Hardrada as Magnus’ heir in Norway, believed he had inherited Magnus’ claims to both Denmark and England; his attempts to conquer both failed.

This is the ‘claim’ Hardrada had to England, he was Magnus’ heir, who believed he had claims to Denmark and Norway.

Harald ‘Hardrada’ Siggurdsson (Leo Sutter) in Vikings Vahalla

Hence his claim to England, was based upon a 30 year old agreement, made by his nephew, which made that nephew the heir to Denmark.

As i said it’s a bit complicated and a bit of stretch.