The devil you think you know

Michael R McNeely
2 min readDec 6, 2022
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

I sized him up —
he was overeager
to make whatever quota he could
he would stand legs spread
and arms folded
or with a damn clipboard
yearning for a lift up
on the backs of retail stiffs
and to get that promotion
he would be the devil
set on stealing any fleeting joy
that would bubble up
between workers

He sized me up —
I could lift the heavy shit
water heaters, toilets
he knew I would work hard
for the workout alone
and the reputation
my swagger told him that
and I could be trusted
to put in my time
he had me pegged pretty good
he even thought
I was the devil’s only friend

but I never made a deal with that devil
let alone became friends with him
I moved on and took my soul with me
and I took my wrath with me
out of that fifth…

