Worry Is Like Praying For Things You Don’t Want

One of my favorite quotes

Michael Shook
3 min readJun 8, 2018
Awesome image by DanielReche via Pixabay

That quote is from Jen Sincero, the Badassery author. Awesome book, check them out.

In our world we are constantly reminded to focus; usually on what somebody else wants us to focus on.

There is so much input available for us on a daily basis that it’s truly difficult to wade through all of it each day.

Left alone, however, it’s not that difficult to focus at all. In fact, most of the day unless we are focusing our thoughts on something from outside of us, we are focusing on our own thoughts.

Nothing wrong with that as a concept. Except that we have a tendency to focus our thoughts on bad things.

This practice is commonly referred to as worry.

It’s similar in practice to prayer because we spend so much time imagining specific details of a bad situation; it is as if we are sending the signal that this is what we want to see more of in our life.

Prayers of intention are where we concentrate our minds to create a future scenario. The more detail we provide, the more times we do this and the more emotional power we add, the more vivid our internal…

