Why are we obsessed with Social Media, Especially Instagram?

Navigating the Digital World: Why we waste so much time on Instagram.

M.A, M.Sc. Michael Zats
4 min readAug 19, 2023


In the digital age, we find ourselves increasingly tethered to our devices, spending countless hours immersed in the virtual world of social media. Among these platforms, Instagram stands out as a particularly captivating time sink. But what is it about this platform that keeps us scrolling, liking, and sharing for hours on end? Let’s embark on a journey to understand our collective obsession with social media, and Instagram in particular.

Instagram, like other social media platforms, offers a vibrant, exciting, and seemingly endless digital world. It’s a place where we can connect with friends, follow celebrities, discover new trends, and even shop. The constant stream of visually appealing content, from stunning travel photos to mouth-watering food snaps, keeps us hooked. The platform is designed to be engaging and addictive. Its algorithm is tailored to show us more of what we like, creating a personalized feed that’s hard to resist. The ‘Explore’ feature takes us down a rabbit hole of content that aligns with our interests, making it easy to lose track of time. This is no accident; it’s a carefully crafted strategy to keep us engaged and coming back for more.



M.A, M.Sc. Michael Zats

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