The Story of Arsène Wenger: Wanted but Unwanted

Michael H. Utomo
7 min readJun 1, 2017
Does Arsène Wenger deserve to stay at Arsenal? (Kokibet)

#WengerIn or #WengerOut?

#InArseneWeTrust, or #EnoughIsEnough?

Or maybe, #WengerOut, or #KroenkeOut?

These hashtags keep on accompanying every tweets, posts, or articles concerning Wenger’s destiny at Arsenal. Every 2 years the fans are waiting to see whether the reign of Arsène Wenger would come to an end. More than a decade without winning a Premier League title, slowly transforming from a beast into a fragile cat, the fans are fed up. They thought the hunger to be the king of (at least) England, is completely gone. And we all did, whether we still want him at the club or not.

But in the end, the story always repeats itself.

Wenger has just signed (yet another) 2-year-term contract. After winning (yet another) an FA Cup, and for the first time, failing to secure a place at the Champions League.

If we look back at what happened to Louis van Gaal just last year, he achieved the exact same thing as Wenger did this season: a victory at the FA Cup Final and 5th place finish. But what happened then? Yes, he got sacked. What about Wenger? It seems like any cup Wenger could win would secure his reign at Arsenal.

