1. The Flexibility of WordPress

Michael Smith
2 min readMay 31, 2018

WordPress… you’ve most likely heard about it and how it was the go-to site builder for bloggers worldwide. Moreover, like many things in the digital spectrum, WordPress has grown up, evolved and is now one of the most used platforms for blogs and websites… YES, websites!

The fact is, as outlined in this white paper WordPress current accounts for a “staggering 28% of all websites (and growing)”.

To add some perspective, this is greater than China’s percentage of world population (18.7%)* and only slightly less than that of the combined populations of China & India (36.2%)*


Yet there still seems to be a school of thought that WordPress is just for blogs… but as you’ll (ironically) discover in this great blog from the team at WP Engine, you can see why so many people are using WordPress as their preferred website building platform.

It’s both user friendly and SEO friendly, so if you’re just beginning your online journey or looking to increase visibility, a WordPress website offers you the flexibility to design and create something from scratch without any coding experience required. It also works well with search engines, which means your SEO efforts will be optimised appropriately.

There are other site builders that provide very simple drop & drag templates that can be up and running in a matter of hours which would appeal to many beginners. However, these are proprietary platforms, which don’t allow you to move your site if you ever wish to. WordPress, on the other hand, runs on an open source platform which offers greater freedom and flexibility… it’s also yours to do what you want to it.

With this freedom however, comes responsibility. Be sure to research any add-ons and plug-ins that you’re looking to use if you choose to build a WordPress site. Being an open source platform means any developer can create and share their work, which may not necessarily be of a high quality standard.


