My 30 Days of Answering Questions on Quora

My Quora ship sank faster than the titanic…..

Michaela Jean
2 min readMay 10, 2017

After spending a few weeks on Medium, I had realized that so many people were mentioning Quora. I let the curiosity win and I downloaded the app on my phone. I had decided to everyday at least answer one question, and this is what happened….

The first week I was flying through it, answering questions, adding interests, feeling like a real life “dear Abby.”

About 15 days of answering questions I found myself getting irritated every time I opened the app. I couldn’t stand answering these common sense questions, and I understand that common sense may not be so common, but some of these questions were outrageous.

Also I’ll answer questions about your relationship all day, or if your dog should eat grapes, I’ll even google answers I’m curious about because I enjoy learning, but let me tell you this, girls in 7th grade asking how to talk their boyfriends into touching them more??? NO NO NO NO. Kid go play on the swings, or read a book. Why isn’t there an age limit? 18 and up at least, some of the questions on Quora a 12 year old shouldn’t even be reading let alone, some of the answers.

Has anyone heard of communication? Or the saying “communication is key?” Apparently not, because most of the relationship questions on Quora could be cleared up by these people asking their significant others not the fucking internet.

I’ve stopped answering questions on Quora because my frustration reached its peak and I started just being a straight asshole. It wasn’t even sarcasm anymore, just douchebaggery.

I’m sorry if I answered one of your questions with anger, you could have just been collateral damage.

Thanks for reading my Quora rant.

Find me on Instagram @blancham1



Michaela Jean

Aircraft Mechanic. Boudoir Photographer. Dog mom. Aspiring Entrepreneur. Blog to relieve stress and retain joy. Fueled by coffee.