VR Productivity App Comparison

Michaela Wirtz
6 min readJan 29, 2024

So many apps, it’s easy to get lost!

Woman wearing VR headset. Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

This year, I’m leaning in. Exploring every VR app that went by the wayside in 2023. Thinking outside the box when it comes to discovering what apps can do for writers and content creators. The tech continues to evolve so rapidly that it can be almost impossible to stick a pin into it and call it done.

Which means that I need to be ready to (repeatedly) fall down that rabbit hole. If I eliminate the gaming apps, you can bring it down to a manageable level, but each app is so unique that it’s like comparing apples to pineapples. Both of them have the word ‘apple’ in them but good luck turning pineapples into apple sauce!

The Method To My Madness

I started by looking at the apps available for my Quest 2 headset. I tried searching with the keyword ‘productivity’ but all that came up was just games. Step two: use the genre filter. This let me drill down to things like business, creativity and design, events, and productivity. Finally!

Microsoft Mesh came up first but requires licensing to use it. Talespin looked interesting, but it’s more of an interactive classroom for personal and professional development. Campfire works for those who work with 3D modeling. Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint looked interesting but will require a deep dive to see just…



Michaela Wirtz

Michaela is an eclectic & highly caffeinated DIYer. Join her as she continues her quest to explore virtual reality to find the best productivity apps out there